Date validation logic not working

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  • #12494

    Hello, I’m building a check-in/check-out booking system based on Quforms, I followed the steps on for making a booking system but I have encountered a few problems:

    1- Preventing past dates works fine but when I move forward with the next function on the tutorial I can select any date and the default date on the time-picker is the current day and the current year but in January.

    2- Preventing specific dates from being chosen is not working.

    This is how my child theme function.php looks like:

    // Prevent past dates from being chosen
    function mytheme_prevent_past_dates($valid, $value, $element)
    $time = strtotime("{$value['year']}-{$value['month']}-{$value['day']}");

    if ($time < strtotime('today')) {
    $element->addError('Please choose a date in the future');
    $valid = false;

    return $valid;
    add_filter('iphorm_element_valid_iphorm_1_1', 'mytheme_prevent_past_dates', 10, 3);

    function mytheme_datepicker_prevent_past_dates($options, $dpMinYear, $dpMaxYear, $element)
    $year = date('Y'); // Today's year
    $month = date('n'); // Today's month
    $day = date('j'); // Today's day

    return "{
    minDate: new Date({$year}, {$month} - 1, {$day}),
    maxDate: new Date({$dpMaxYear}, 12 - 1, 31)
    add_filter('iphorm_datepicker_options_iphorm_1_1', 'mytheme_datepicker_prevent_past_dates', 10, 4);

    //Prevent booking dates from being chosen

    function mytheme_get_dates_to_disable()
    global $wpdb;

    $dates = $wpdb->get_results('SELECT date FROM wp_bookings;', ARRAY_A);
    $disabledDates = array();

    if (is_array($dates)) {
    foreach ($dates as $date) {
    $disabledDates[] = $date['date'];

    return $disabledDates;

    //Prevent booking dates from being chosen

    function mytheme_prevent_specific_dates($valid, $value, $element)
    if ($valid) {
    $disabledDates = mytheme_get_dates_to_disable();
    $submittedDate = "{$value['year']}-{$value['month']}-{$value['day']}";

    if (in_array($submittedDate, $disabledDates)) {
    $element->addError('That date is not available');
    $valid = false;

    return $valid;
    add_filter('iphorm_element_valid_iphorm_1_1', 'mytheme_prevent_specific_dates', 10, 3);

    function mytheme_datepicker_prevent_specific_dates($options, $dpMinYear, $dpMaxYear, $element)
    return "{
    beforeShowDay: function (date) {
    if (quformDisabledDates) {
    for (var i = 0; i < quformDisabledDates.length; i++) {
    var parts = quformDisabledDates[i].split('-');
    if (date.getFullYear() == parts[0] && (date.getMonth()+1) == parts[1] && date.getDate() == parts[2]) {
    return [false];
    return [true];
    add_filter('iphorm_datepicker_options_iphorm_1_1', 'mytheme_datepicker_prevent_specific_dates', 10, 4);

    function mytheme_print_dates_to_disable()
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var quformDisabledDates = <?php echo json_encode(mytheme_get_dates_to_disable()); ?>;
    add_action('wp_head', 'mytheme_print_dates_to_disable');

    //Validating booking dates range

    function mytheme_check_date_range($valid, $value, $element)
    // Get the value of the start date element
    $startDate = $element->getForm()->getValue('iphorm_1_1');

    $startDate = strtotime("{$startDate['year']}-{$startDate['month']}-{$startDate['day']} 00:00:00");
    $endDate = strtotime("{$value['year']}-{$value['month']}-{$value['day']} 23:59:59");

    if ($startDate > $endDate) {
    $element->addError('The end date must be after the start date');
    $valid = false;

    return $valid;

    add_filter('iphorm_element_valid_iphorm_1_2', 'mytheme_check_date_range', 10, 3);

    //Save Booking dates

    function mytheme_save_booking_date($form)
    global $wpdb;

    $date = $form->getValue('iphorm_1_1');

    $wpdb->insert('wp_bookings', array(
    'date' => $date['year'] . '-' . $date['month'] . '-' . $date['day']

    $date = $form->getValue('iphorm_1_2');

    $wpdb->insert('wp_bookings', array(
    'date' => $date['year'] . '-' . $date['month'] . '-' . $date['day']
    add_action('iphorm_post_process_1', 'mytheme_save_booking_date', 10, 1);

    My form ID is 1, my check-in date element ID is iphorm_1_1, the check-out date element ID is iphorm_1_2

    I look forward to your feedback.

    Support Staff

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