Find the section below with error message that is displayed on the Server Compatibility page for the solution.

The plugin requires the GD image library for the CAPTCHA element

The CAPTCHA element uses the GD image library for PHP to generate dynamic images, without it the CAPTCHA image will always be the same. To fix this issue install the GD image library for PHP. The exact instructions for this depend on which web host you are using, do a web search for “[your host] install php gd library”, or contact your host and ask them to install it for you.

The plugin requires the FreeType library for the CAPTCHA element

The CAPTCHA element uses the FreeType library for PHP to generate dynamic images, without it the CAPTCHA image will always be the same. To fix this issue install the FreeType library for PHP. The exact instructions for this depend on which web host you are using, do a web search for “[your host] install php freetype library”, or contact your host and ask them to install it for you.

The plugin requires the Zip PHP extension to export entries

The PhpSpreadsheet library requires the zip extension for PHP to be enabled on the server. The exact instructions to fix this depend on which web host you are using, do a web search for “[your host] install php zip extension”, or contact your host and ask them to install it for you.

The temporary directory does not exist, please create the directory and make it writable

A writable temporary directory is required for the File Upload element to work properly. To fix this issue using FTP software connect to your web server then go into the wp-content directory and create a new directory named tmp.

Then add the following line to the wp-config.php file.

define('WP_TEMP_DIR', dirname(__FILE__) . '/wp-content/tmp');
define('WP_TEMP_DIR', dirname(__FILE__) . '/wp-content/tmp');

Then deactivate the Quform plugin and reactivate it again. Lastly, check the Forms → Settings → Server Compatibility section again to see if the issue is resolved. If not, try giving the newly created tmp directory 777 permissions (see this page for help), then deactivate the Quform plugin and reactivate it again, and check if the issue is resolved.

The temporary directory is not writable

A writable temporary directory is required for the File Upload element to work properly. To fix this issue the directory that is displayed next to the error message needs to be writable. If you are not sure how to accomplish this, follow the instructions for the section above. Once the directory is made writable please deactivate the Quform plugin and reactivate it again, then check if the issue is resolved.

The plugin cache directory does not exist, please create the directory and make it writable

A writable plugin cache directory is required for combining scripts and custom CSS. To fix this issue ensure that the directory wp-content/plugins/quform/cache exists and is writable.

The plugin cache directory is not writable

A writable plugin cache directory is required for combining scripts and custom CSS. To fix this issue ensure that the directory wp-content/plugins/quform/cache is writable. Try giving the cache directory 777 permissions (see this page for help), then check if the issue is resolved.

The WordPress uploads directory does not exist, please create the directory and make it writable

A writable WordPress uploads directory is required for storing file uploads. To fix this issue ensure that the directory wp-content/uploads exists and is writable.

The WordPress uploads directory is not writable

A writable WordPress uploads directory is required for storing file uploads. To fix this issue ensure that the directory wp-content/uploads is writable. Try giving the wp-content/uploads directory 777 permissions (see this page for help), then check if the issue is resolved.

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