Reply To: Select menu condition and restriction + payment gateway

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Thanks Ally,
both suggestions work! You are lifesaver!

I got gateway to work but the last thing remains – Signature.

I have public key from bank and there is PHP code provided:

1:	<html>
2:	<head></head>
3:	<body>
4:	<?php
5:	// variables – webshop log keys
6:	$MerchantID="1752441";
7:	$TerminalID="E7880241";
8:	session_start();
9:	$OrderID="123456"; // for each transaction ID needs to be unique
10:	$CurrencyID="980";
11:	$Amount=100; // fixed amount of transaction
13:	$ses = session_id();
15:	//preparing data
16:	$PurchaseTime = date("ymdHis");
17:	$data = "$MerchantID;$TerminalID;$PurchaseTime;$OrderID;$CurrencyID;$Amount;$ses;"; 
18:	//reas RSA key from webshop
19:	$fp = fopen("$MerchantID.pem", "r");
20:	$priv_key = fread($fp, 8192);
21:	fclose($fp);
22:	$pkeyid = openssl_get_privatekey($priv_key);
23:	//generating signature
24:	openssl_sign($data, $signature, $pkeyid);
25:	//delete RSA key from memory
26:	openssl_free_key($pkeyid);
27:	//Coding value in BASE64
28:	$b64sign = base64_encode($signature);
29:	?>
30:	<form action="" method="POST">
31:	<input type="hidden" name="Version" value="1" >
32:	<input type="hidden" name="MerchantID" value="<?php echo $MerchantID; ?>">
33:	<input type="hidden" name="TerminalID" value="<?php echo $TerminalID; ?>">
34:	<input type="hidden" name="PurchaseTime" value="<? echo $PurchaseTime;?>">
35:	<input type="hidden" name="OrderID" value="<?php echo $OrderID; ?>">
36:	<input type="hidden" name="Currency" value="<?php echo $CurrencyID; ?>"> 
37:	<input type="hidden" name="TotalAmount" value="<?php echo $Amount; ?>"> 
38:	<input type="hidden" name="SD" value="<? echo $ses;?>">
39:	<input type="hidden" name="locale" value="hr">
40:	<input type="hidden" name="PurchaseDesc" value="Description">
41:	<input type="hidden" name="Signature" value="<? echo $b64sign; ?>">
42:	<input name="submit" type="submit" value="Confirm order" class="sbmt">
43:	</form>
44:	</body>
45:	</html>

Is there a way to run php script on submit and insert $b64sign into Signature value in form that you helped me make some time ago:

jQuery(function ($) {
    $('.quform-form-3').on('quform:successStart', function () {
        var $form = $(this);
        var form = document.createElement('form');
        form.action = '';
        form.method = 'post';
        var fields = [
            { name: 'Version', value: '1' },
            { name: 'MerchantID', value: '1832338' },
            { name: 'TerminalID', value: '12360951' },
            { name: 'TotalAmount', value: $form.find('.quform-field-3_24').val() },
            { name: 'Currency', value: '980' },
            { name: 'Locale', value: 'en' },
            { name: 'OrderID', value: $form.find('.quform-field-3_272').val() },
            { name: 'PurchaseTime', value: kendo.toString(new Date(), 'yyMMddHHmmss') },
            { name: 'PurchaseDesc', value: 'three islands cruise' },
{ name: 'Signature', value: 'baNuGbnzOFh9H6unKTTyJw01ASO7+8Rwgwrm/URuAl1zNtJKJDox88MODpOZyxN5GebOVeyaTro7cgNiTZDEKonCaKkF4BcdQ6C/S2EsXmm0DaEAXZPxOh5b00N/H2hgeYYoLIC/zTpXNk/+cMwU8lLup8/hlTLBkpe/zblOvCY=' }
        for (var i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
            var input = document.createElement('input');
            input.type = 'hidden';
   = fields[i].name;
            input.value = fields[i].value;
  • This reply was modified 5 years ago by Goran.
  • This reply was modified 5 years ago by Goran.
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