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I got some problems, i will attache the zip file with the wp-admin/error.log and also some screenshots what i want to show, i guess is not hard failure, just I need to understand them… I did all the setting on .js and .php file, i sending them in this zip file as well.
One is this, maybe it is only this error:

[20-Jul-2023 19:57:15 UTC] WordPress database error Table 'iceman_factura.wp_wp_ibodt_tbl_clientes' doesn't exist for query SELECT * FROM wp_wp_ibodt_tbl_clientes WHERE cli_nombre LIKE '%ha%' made by do_action('wp_ajax_quform_autocomplete'), WP_Hook->

wp_wp_ibodt_tbl_clientes i only have this table wp_ibodt_tbl_clientes so maybe it does not read the data base…

It puts a extra wp_ in the table name.

Best Regards

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