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Thanks for the update. This worked, however, it only worked for 1 configured option. I am choosing a radio option with the following:


Below is my code. Am I supposed to duplicate the code 3x (one for each class ie: Approve, Reject, Waitlist)


* Plugin Name: Quform Approval Automation
* Description: Send auto notifications when marking applications as Approve, Reject or Waitlist
* Version: 1.0

// Paste in your custom code below


add_filter('quform_entry_post_set_entry_id_1', function (array $result, Quform_Form $form) {
// Look up old field value
global $wpdb;
$elementId = '1_78';
$notificationId = '1_3';

list(, $eid) = explode('_', $elementId);

$value = $wpdb->get_var(
"SELECT value
FROM {$wpdb->prefix}quform_entry_data
WHERE entry_id = %d
AND element_id = %d",

if ($value != $form->getValue("quform_$elementId")) {
// Value has changed, send notification
foreach ($form->getNotifications() as $notification) {
if ($notification->getIdentifier() == $notificationId) {

return $result;
}, 10, 2);


add_filter('quform_entry_post_set_entry_id_1', function (array $result, Quform_Form $form) {
// Look up old field value
global $wpdb;
$elementId = '1_78';
$notificationId = '1_4';

list(, $eid) = explode('_', $elementId);

$value = $wpdb->get_var(
"SELECT value
FROM {$wpdb->prefix}quform_entry_data
WHERE entry_id = %d
AND element_id = %d",

if ($value != $form->getValue("quform_$elementId")) {
// Value has changed, send notification
foreach ($form->getNotifications() as $notification) {
if ($notification->getIdentifier() == $notificationId) {

return $result;
}, 10, 2);


add_filter('quform_entry_post_set_entry_id_1', function (array $result, Quform_Form $form) {
// Look up old field value
global $wpdb;
$elementId = '1_78';
$notificationId = '1_5';

list(, $eid) = explode('_', $elementId);

$value = $wpdb->get_var(
"SELECT value
FROM {$wpdb->prefix}quform_entry_data
WHERE entry_id = %d
AND element_id = %d",

if ($value != $form->getValue("quform_$elementId")) {
// Value has changed, send notification
foreach ($form->getNotifications() as $notification) {
if ($notification->getIdentifier() == $notificationId) {

return $result;
}, 10, 2);

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