Reply To: Send notification email when changing in backend

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This code did work. However, when trying to modify coding to work with different variables and situations, its not working.

For example, id like to do the following:

Radio Buttons (each is linked with a specific email template)

Radio Button

When the user submits for Server, I want them to receive a specific notification email for approved, rejected, waitlisted

When the user submits for Bartender, I want them to receive a specific notification email for approved, rejected, waitlisted

So basically

Server – Approved – Specific email contents for approval
Bartender – Approved – Specific email contents for approval

How can I do this? I think you guys should definitely make this a feature in the software instead of coding for each form. This is a powerful feature that allows managing custom communication for different situations.

  • This reply was modified 10 months, 4 weeks ago by fbxac.
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