Reply To: Open Form in a Popup Using Avada Button

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you said >> “For some reason the page has some JavaScript code that is effectively making any popup script loaded on the page useless. I don’t know what is loading this code, you could try checking if it is another plugin or the theme using this method:

OK, so I did some plugin conflict debugging as you suggested

#1: I tried switching my theme to something other than Avada (I switched to “Astra”)… this did NOT fix (still no popup form)

#2. I deactivated the plugin “FooGallery”, this did NOT fix (still no popup form)

#3: I deactivated the plugin “FooBox HTML & Media Lightbox”, and the popup form FINALLY WORKED!!! (first time ever) *******

the form seemed to display OK (but has no heading or intro text, which would be nice to have) — but it DID actually pop up!… see attached screenshot of the resulting popup form

so now what?

note: we definitely do use the FooBox Lightbox plugin on our website

— Paul

  • This reply was modified 4 months, 1 week ago by induspray.
  • This reply was modified 4 months, 1 week ago by induspray.
  • This reply was modified 4 months, 1 week ago by induspray.
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