Reply To: Open Form in a Popup Using Avada Button

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RE: the fix “The FooBox option Disable Other Lightboxes at FooBox → Settings → Advanced must be turned Off for Quform popup forms to work. The option does not affect normal forms.”

I tried this, but discovered that unchecking that option did NOT work

however, when I also unchecked the next option “Try to deregister other lightbox scripts and stylesheets”, then it DID WORK

so looks like BOTH options must be unchecked for the fix to work (my experience anyway)… see attached screenshot showing both unchecked

I had to disable (uncheck) both of these:
– Disable Other Lightboxes
– Deregister Other Lightbox Files

Q: will unchecking these have any adverse effects?

  • This reply was modified 4 months, 1 week ago by induspray.
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