Home › Forums › Quform PHP › An Ajax error occurred
- This topic has 6 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 11 years, 4 months ago by ljackson.
- AuthorPosts
- August 26, 2013 at 11:44 am #6009ljacksonParticipant
I am receiving “An Ajax error occurred” error when i submit my form.
can someone please help me to solve this issue please.
my forms action is set to job_process.php
* Enable debug mode. Quform will try to display any fatal PHP errors or exceptions at
* your form. It's useful to have this enabled while developing your form, but
* you should set this to false on production sites.
define('QUFORM_DEBUG', true);/** DO NOT CHANGE THESE 2 LINES **/
define('QUFORM_ROOT', realpath(dirname(__FILE__)));
require_once QUFORM_ROOT . '/common.php';
* Success message, displayed when the form is successfully submitted
$config['successMessage'] = 'Your message has been sent, thank you.';/**
* Whether or not to send the notification email. You may wish to disable this if you are
* saving the form data to the database for example. true or false
$config['email'] = false;/**
* Configure the recipients of the notification email message. For a single
* recipient use the following format:
* $config['recipients'] = 'me@example.com';
* You can add multiple email addresses by adding one on each line inside an
* array, enclosed in quotes, separated by commas. E.g.
* $config['recipients'] = array(
* 'recipient1@example.com',
* 'recipient2@example.com'
* );
$config['recipients'] = '';/**
* Set the "From" address of the emails. You should set this to the contact
* email address of your website. Some hosts require that the email
* address is one that is associated with your hosting account.
* You can set this to be an email address string e.g.
* $config['from'] = 'company@example.com';
* Or you can also include a name with your email address using an array e.g.
* $config['from'] = array('company@example.com' => 'Company');
* Or you can set it to use a submitted email address. This example will get the
* submitted address in the 'email' field. E.g.
* $config['from'] = '%email%';
$config['from'] = '';/**
* The subject of the notification email message. %first_name% will be replaced
* with the form submitted value in the first_name field.
$config['subject'] = 'Message from %name%';/**
* Set the "Reply-To" email address of the notification email to
* the email address submitted in the email field.
$config['replyTo'] = '%email%';/**
* The file containing the HTML body of the notification email.
$config['emailBody'] = '/emails/notification.php';/**
* Whether or not to show empty fields from the notification email. true or false
$config['showEmptyFields'] = false;/**
* Whether or not to send an autoreply email. true or false
$config['autoreply'] = false;/**
* Sets the autoreply recipient to the email address submitted to the email field
* If you want the email to show from their name submitted from the name field as well, you
* can use the code:
* $config['autoreplyRecipient'] = array('%email%' => '%name%');
$config['autoreplyRecipient'] = '%email%';/**
* The subject of the autoreply email
$config['autoreplySubject'] = 'Thanks for your message, %name%';/**
* Set the "From" address of the autoreply email.
* See the comment at the $config['from'] setting for options.
$config['autoreplyFrom'] = '';/**
* The file containing the HTML body of the autoreply email
$config['autoreplyBody'] = '/emails/autoreply.php';/**
* Redirect the user when the form is successfully submitted by entering a URL here.
* By default, users are not redirected.
* $config['redirect'] = 'http://www.example.com/thanks.html';
$config['redirect'] = '';/**
* Whether or not to save the form data to a database. true or false
* You can configure the database settings further down in this file. See the documentation
* for help.
$config['database'] = true;/**
* Whether or not to save uploaded files to the server. true or false
$config['saveUploads'] = false;/**
* The path to save any uploaded files. This folder must be writeable by the
* web server, you may need to set the folder permissions to 777 on Linux servers.
$config['uploadPath'] = QUFORM_ROOT . '/uploads';/**
* Set this to the URL of the above folder to be sent links to uploaded
* files in the notification email. E.g.
* $config['uploadUrl'] = 'http://www.example.com/quform/uploads';
$config['uploadUrl'] = '';/**
* (Optional) Configure your SMTP settings, only 'host' is required. If your server
* needs authentication, set your username and password. If these settings are left
* blank the emails will be sent using the PHP mail() function.
* host - SMTP server (e.g. smtp.example.com)
* port - SMTP port (e.g. 25)
* username - SMTP username
* password - SMTP password
* encryption - SMTP encryption (e.g. ssl or tls)
$config['smtp'] = array(
'host' => '',
'port' => 25,
'username' => '',
'password' => '',
'encryption' => ''
);// Add the visitor IP to the email
$config['extra']['IP address'] = Quform::getIPAddress();/** END FORM SETTINGS **/
$user_id = new Quform_Element('user_id', 'User ID');
$form->addElement($user_id);$job_title = new Quform_Element('job_title', 'Job Title');
$form->addElement($job_title);$job_desc = new Quform_Element('job_desc', 'Job Description');
$form->addElement($job_desc);$job_dept = new Quform_Element('job_dept', 'Department');
$form->addElement($job_dept);$job_type = new Quform_Element('job_type', 'Job Type');
$form->addElement($job_type);$job_location = new Quform_Element('job_location', 'Location');
$form->addElement($job_location);$job_req = new Quform_Element('job_requirements', 'Requirements');
$form->addElement($job_req);$job_hrs = new Quform_Element('job_hours', 'Hours Per Week');
$form->addElement($job_hrs);$job_rate = new Quform_Element('job_rate', 'Rate of Pay');
$form->addElement($job_rate);$captcha = new Quform_Element('type_the_word', 'Type the word');
$captcha->addValidator('identical', array('token' => 'catch'));
$form->addElement($captcha);/** END FORM ELEMENT CONFIGURATION **/
function process(Quform $form, array &$config)
// Process the form
if ($form->isValid($_POST)) {
// Custom code section #1 - see documentation for examples// End custom code section #1
try {
$attachments = array();
$elements = $form->getElements();// Process uploaded files
foreach ($elements as $element) {
if ($element instanceof Quform_Element_File
&& array_key_exists($element->getName(), $_FILES)
&& is_array($_FILES[$element->getName()])) {
$file = $_FILES[$element->getName()];if (is_array($file['error'])) {
// Process multiple upload field
foreach ($file['error'] as $key => $error) {
if ($error === UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {
$fileData = array(
'path' => $file['tmp_name'][$key],
'filename' => Quform_Element_File::filterFilename($file['name'][$key]),
'type' => $file['type'][$key],
'size' => $file['size'][$key]
);if ($config['saveUploads'] && $element->getSave()) {
$result = Quform_Element_File::saveUpload($config['uploadPath'], $config['uploadUrl'], $fileData, $element);if (is_array($result)) {
$fileData = $result;
}if ($element->getAttach()) {
$attachments[] = $fileData;
} else {
// Process single upload field
if ($file['error'] === UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {
$fileData = array(
'path' => $file['tmp_name'],
'filename' => Quform_Element_File::filterFilename($file['name']),
'type' => $file['type'],
'size' => $file['size']
);if ($config['saveUploads'] && $element->getSave()) {
$result = Quform_Element_File::saveUpload($config['uploadPath'], $config['uploadUrl'], $fileData, $element);if (is_array($result)) {
$fileData = $result;
}if ($element->getAttach()) {
$attachments[] = $fileData;
} // element exists in $_FILES
} // foreach element// Save to a MySQL database
if ($config['database'])
$userID = mysql_real_escape_string($form->getValue('user_id'));
$title = mysql_real_escape_string($form->getValue('job_title'));
$desc = mysql_real_escape_string($form->getValue('job_desc'));
$type = mysql_real_escape_string($form->getValue('job_type'));
$deptID = mysql_real_escape_string($form->getValue('job_dept'));
$location = mysql_real_escape_string($form->getValue('job_location'));
$req = mysql_real_escape_string($form->getValue('job_requirements'));
$hrs = mysql_real_escape_string($form->getValue('job_hours'));
$rate = mysql_real_escape_string($form->getValue('job_rate'));
$query = "INSERT INTO tbl_jobs (deptID,jobTitle,JobDesc, contractType, jobLocation, jobRequirements, jobHoursPW, hourlyRate, createdDate) VALUES ($deptID,'$title','$desc','$type','$location','$req','$hrs','$rate',$date)";
mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
$jobID = mysql_insert_id();//INSERT INTO TBL_USER_JOBS
$query2 = "INSERT INTO tbl_user_jobs (userID,jobID) VALUES ('$userID','$jobID')";
mysql_query($query2) or die(mysql_error());//INSERT INTO JOB DEPARTMENT
$query3 = "INSERT INTO tbl_job_department (jobID,deptID) VALUES ('$jobID','$deptID')";
mysql_query($query3) or die(mysql_error());// Close the connection
}if ($config['email']) {
// Get a new PHPMailer instance
$mailer = Quform::newPHPMailer($config['smtp']);// Set the from information
$from = $form->parseEmailRecipient($config['from']);if ($from['email']) {
$mailer->From = $from['email'];
$mailer->FromName = $from['name'];
}// Set the Reply-To header of the email as the submitted email address from the form
if (!empty($config['replyTo'])) {
$replyTo = $form->parseEmailRecipient($config['replyTo']);if ($replyTo['email']) {
$mailer->AddReplyTo($replyTo['email'], $replyTo['name']);
}// Set the subject
$mailer->Subject = $form->replacePlaceholderValues($config['subject']);// Set the recipients
foreach ((array) $config['recipients'] as $recipient) {
}// Set the message body HTML
include QUFORM_ROOT . $config['emailBody'];
$mailer->MsgHTML(ob_get_clean());$mailer->AltBody = 'To view this email please use HTML compatible email software.';
// Add any attachments
foreach ($attachments as $attachment) {
$mailer->AddAttachment($attachment['path'], $attachment['filename'], 'base64', $attachment['type']);
}// Send the notification message
}// Autoreply email
if ($config['autoreply']) {
$autoreplyRecipient = $form->parseEmailRecipient($config['autoreplyRecipient']);if ($autoreplyRecipient['email']) {
// Create the autoreply message
$mailer = Quform::newPHPMailer($config['smtp']);// Set the from address
$autoreplyFrom = $form->parseEmailRecipient($config['autoreplyFrom']);if ($autoreplyFrom['email']) {
$mailer->From = $autoreplyFrom['email'];
$mailer->FromName = $autoreplyFrom['name'];
}// Set the recipient
$mailer->AddAddress($autoreplyRecipient['email'], $autoreplyRecipient['name']);// Set the subject
$mailer->Subject = $form->replacePlaceholderValues($config['autoreplySubject']);// Set the message body HTML
include QUFORM_ROOT . $config['autoreplyBody'];
$mailer->MsgHTML(ob_get_clean());$mailer->AltBody = 'To view this email please use HTML compatible email software.';
// Send the autoreply
}// Custom code section #2 - see documentation for examples
// End custom code section #2
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw $e;
} else {
// Form data failed validation
return false;
}// Form processed successfully
return true;
}if (process($form, $config))
$result = array('type' => 'success');
if (strlen($config['redirect']))
$result['redirect'] = $config['redirect'];
$result['message'] = $form->replacePlaceholderValues($config['successMessage']);
$result = array('type' => 'error', 'error' => $form->getError(), 'elementErrors' => $form->getElementErrors());
if (isset($_POST['quform_ajax']) && $_POST['quform_ajax'] == 1)
$response = '<textarea>' . Quform::jsonEncode($result) . '</textarea>';
if (isset($result['type'], $result['redirect']) && $result['type'] == 'success' && strlen($result['redirect']) && !headers_sent())
header('Location: ' . $result['redirect']);
require_once 'nojs.php';
$response = ob_get_clean();
}echo $response;
it inserts the data into the db fine but it doesnt clear the form and show success message 🙁
any ideas please
ThanksAugust 26, 2013 at 1:59 pm #6022AllySupport StaffYou don't have permission to view this content. Please log in or register and then verify your purchases to gain access.
August 26, 2013 at 2:38 pm #6027ljacksonParticipantthanks for your reply,
here is a link to my form
i was testing on my localhost and did have it working but then it stopped all of a suddon, i’ve uploaded it to my test server and created the db etc and it is working on the live site above the problem has gone, but im not sure if it will come back again as it is still occuring on my localhost?
could you look at the page for potential problems please?
thank youAugust 26, 2013 at 2:59 pm #6028AllySupport StaffYou don't have permission to view this content. Please log in or register and then verify your purchases to gain access.
August 26, 2013 at 3:54 pm #6032ljacksonParticipantthats good 🙂
yes its being run through wamp server and i cant see any problems in firebug.
the only thing i have noticed is if javascript is disabled it will say
The connection was reset
The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading.August 26, 2013 at 5:16 pm #6034AllySupport StaffYou don't have permission to view this content. Please log in or register and then verify your purchases to gain access.
August 26, 2013 at 5:48 pm #6036 - AuthorPosts
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