Assign Role

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  • #30323

    Hi Ally
    How can I add a role to the registrar a user with buddypress?

    BuddyPress registration form

    Thanks very much!

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    HI Ally
    I have working a long time with this:
    I cant use easily bp_core_activated_user because i have desactived the activaction for autologin after complete the form ..

    so these code begin works: it create a new user like *shop_manager* (this rol isnt for default)

    the problem is add the fields of xprofile to the user, this way dont work, do you have a better idea?

    Thanks very much!

    add_filter('quform_element_valid_7_6', function ($valid, $value, Quform_Element_Field $element) {
        if (username_exists($value)) {
            $element->addError('El nombre de usuario no esta disponible');
            $valid = false;
        return $valid;
    }, 10, 3);
    add_filter('quform_element_valid_7_6', function ($valid, $value, Quform_Element_Field $element) {
        if (email_exists($value)) {
            $element->addError('El correo ya ha sido registrado');
            $valid = false;
        return $valid;
    }, 10, 3);
    add_action('quform_post_process_7', function (array $result, Quform_Form $form) {
       	$username = $form->getValueText( 'quform_7_6' );
    	$email    = $form->getValueText( 'quform_7_6' );
    	$password = $form->getValueText( 'quform_7_7' );
     $role = 'shop_manager';
      $userId =  wp_insert_user(array(
            'user_login' => $username,
            'user_pass' => $password,
            'user_email' => $email,
              'role' => $role,
         update_user_meta( $user_id, '_is_shop_manager', 1 );
        return $result;
    }, 10, 2);
    function something_updated_profile() {
     global $current_user;
    $user = get_userdata( $user_id );
    	$is_shopmanager = get_user_meta( $user_id, '_is_shop_manager', true );
    	if ( $is_shopmanager ) {
    	// XProfile fields
    	$usermeta = array(
    'field_1' => $form->getValueText('quform_7_28'),
    'field_43' => $form->getValueText( 'quform_7_6' ),
    'field_44' => $form->getValueText('quform_7_20'),
    'field_62' => $form->getValueText('quform_7_14'),
    'field_64'  => $form->getValueText('quform_7_11'),
    'field_59' => 'Inmobiliaria',
    'field_99' => $form->getValueText('quform_7_23'),
    'field_103' => $form->getValueText('quform_7_41'),
    'field_104' => $form->getValueText('quform_7_42'),
     'field_105' => $form->getValueText('quform_7_40'), 
     'field_106' => $form->getValueText('quform_7_46'),
    'field_107'=> $form->getValueText('quform_7_43'),
    'field_108' => $form->getValueText('quform_7_44'),
    'field_109' => $form->getValueText('quform_7_45'),
     'field_110' => $form->getValueText('quform_7_47'),
     'field_111' => $form->getValueText('quform_7_48'),
           $usermeta['profile_field_ids'] = '1,43,44,46,48,47,49,50,51,59';
            $usermeta['password'] = wp_hash_password($password);
    add_action('xprofile_updated_profile', 'something_updated_profile', 1, 3);

    Sorry i forget to told you that im using the plugin of BuddyPress to WordPress Full Sync,


    Hi Ally

    I’m closer .. it works to create the user with his role. My difficulty is to add xprofile for this user. Could you help me?

    add_action('quform_post_process_7','register', 10, 2);
     function register ($result, $form) {
    $username = $form->getValueText( 'quform_7_6' );
    $email    = $form->getValueText( 'quform_7_6' );
    $password = $form->getValueText( 'quform_7_7' );
    $role = 'shop_manager';
    $userId =  wp_insert_user(array(
        'user_login' => $username,
        'user_pass' => $password,
        'user_email' => $email,
          'role' => $role,
        $hash = wp_hash_password($password);
     update_user_meta( $user_id, '_is_shop_manager', 1 );
     update_user_meta($userId, 'nickname', $form->getValueText('quform_7_28'));
     update_user_meta($userId, 'first_name', $form->getValueText('quform_7_28'));
    if(!is_wp_error( $userId)){
    wp_set_current_user( $userId); // set the current wp user
    wp_set_auth_cookie( $userId); // startthe cookie for the current registered user
    if (bp_is_active('xprofile')) {
         if (!empty($usermeta['1,43,44'])) {
             $profile_field_ids = explode(',', $usermeta['1,43,44']);
             foreach ((array) $profile_field_ids as $field_id) {
                 if (empty($usermeta["field_1"])) {
                     $usermeta = array(
             'field_1' => $form->getValueText('quform_7_28'),
        'field_43' => $form->getValueText( 'quform_7_6' ),
          'field_44' => $form->getValueText('quform_7_20'),
                 $current_field = $usermeta["field_1"];
                 xprofile_set_field_data($field_id, $user_id, $current_field);
     return $result;
    Support Staff

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    Thanks Ally! Regards!

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