Aweber Autoresponder Integration

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  • #8544

    Hi there,

    I am struggling with integrating QuForm (WordPress) with Aweber. I have followed all the instructions you compiled in your Aweber Guide located .

    I am struggling with Step 3. Specifically obtaining an “Access Key” and “Access Secret”. I have read the Aweber API Cookbook, but am very confused as to how I am able to obtain these variables. Can you please provide a simple step by step procedure, or even an over the shoulder YouTube Video to show how I can obtain them in relation to your product.

    Any help you could provide would be greatly appreciated, and could be used to help others in the future.

    Thanks In Advance,



    Ok, I did some more digging myself and I found this,…

    Quick-start API Script in PHP

    This gave me the ability to obtain an “Access Key” and an “Access Secret”. which I used to fill out the “functions.php” page. I then got confirmation from Aweber that the App is attached to my account.

    Further, I completed the process as described in your instructions. I then filled out my form and submitted the details. An email was sent and received from the plugin and details are posted to the Quform Entries page in the WordPress Admin area, However, the Aweber list did not get populated. I’ve checked my work and all seems fine but is still not working. Any suggestions?


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    I would appreciate that Ally. I look forward to your response.

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