Calculate Age from Date of Birth

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    How can I automatically calculated a person’s age from them selected their date of birth using the calendar element?

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    Hi Ally,

    Thanks a million.

    I need it in a text field and not hidden field, would you change $hiddenField to $textField to look like the code below?

    3_203 is our date field
    3_110 is our text field

    I haven’t been able to get it to work:

    jQuery(function ($) {
    var $dateField = $('.quform-field-3_103'),
    $textField = $('.quform-field-3_110'),
    datePicker = $'kendoDatePicker'),
    options = $'options') || {},
    culture = options.locale || 'en-US',

    if (window.kendo && datePicker) {
    format = options.format ? options.format : kendo.getCulture(options.locale).calendars.standard.patterns.d;

    $dateField.on('keyup blur', onDateChange);
    datePicker.bind('change', onDateChange);

    function onDateChange() {
    var value = $dateField.val(),
    age = '';

    if (Quform.isNonEmptyString(value)) {
    var date = kendo.parseDate(value, format, culture);

    if (date !== null) {
    age = getAge(date);


    function getAge(birthDate) {
    var today = new Date(),
    age = today.getFullYear() – birthDate.getFullYear(),
    m = today.getMonth() – birthDate.getMonth();

    if (m < 0 || (m === 0 && today.getDate() < birthDate.getDate())) {

    return age;

    Thanks a million,


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    Hi Ally,

    I have inserted the code you mentioned, though I am using a text box and not a hidden field. Nonetheless it doesn’t seem to be working.

    I have noticed when copying the code into Setting/Custom CSS &JS/Custom JavaScript section that that the code isn’t as well aligned as in your code for some reason. If I paste it into a text file it is aligned.

    I have attached a screenshot of it. Not sure if that is an issue, but let me know.

    If you need access to this to see, drop me a private message so I can send you access details.

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    Thanks Ally,

    I was viewing it in preview mode and not on the live site. It works on the live site.

    Thanks again for the help.


    Hi Ally,

    What if I need calculate Age in two or more forms? I try with:

    $dateField = $(‘.quform-field-1_3’),
    $dateField = $(‘.quform-field-3_32’),
    $hiddenField = $(‘.quform-field-1_4’),
    $hiddenField = $(‘.quform-field-3_33’),

    but this not work šŸ™‚

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    Great! Thank you again!

    Maybe in the future you can add new field “age”, to be calculated form date form. Or other simple “math” functions šŸ™‚ I think a lot of people need this.

    Or adding custom js code to each form separately (not one for every form) also might help (for someone who know js). But for all other people simple math should be enough

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