calendar will not open (on live webpage)

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  • #35554

    Hi Ally

    I have insert two of the date fields on my form (Check-in & out). Within the pages builder it works perfect as described on pic one – meaning by clicking on the icon the calendar will open and “come in front”. On my website it doesn´t work and nothing happend and I have no idea why (see pic two). The “auto open datepicker” is enabled.

    Futher question: As you can see on pic two. the date format is YYYY/MM/DD. How can I change it in DD/MM/YYYY?

    Need your support.


    • This topic was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by wiese79.
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    • This reply was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by Ally.


    I already send you privately.

    In my last private message I mentioned that i will have issue with Custom JavaScript . Therefore I deleted it all of this field. And it works but unfortunately I need this content could you please check what is issue there? Thanks…

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by wiese79.
    Support Staff

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    Hi Ally,

    Many thanks, works perfectly. But now I have an another issue – See my question to “Problems with reCAPTCHA v3 (spam)”.

    Best regards,

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