Changing the file upload path

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    I read the page on modifying the upload path ( but I have two doubts:

    1) The page is built considering a particular example ($name). How can I know which code to put in the functions.php so it reflects the fields of my form I want to include in the folder name?

    2) This is more of a curiosity and less of a question, but isn’t there an easier way to do this? I thought there could be a easier way considering there is a path editor in the field settings.

    Thank you in advance

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    Thank you for your quick answer.

    In one of my forms (form ID 1) containing a file upload field I also have a dropdown-box called Ano that can assume one of the following values (-; 5º; 6º; 7º; 8º; 9º; 10º; 11º; 12º; Vários; Outro) and has as unique ID iphorm_1_2.

    Instead of having as folder path iphorm/{form_id}/{year}/{month}/ I would like to have iphorm/Ano, so if someone would send me a document and choose in the form 5º it would be saved under iphorm/5º.

    Thanks in advance

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    Thank you for your answer!

    Works perfectly.

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