Connecting the QUFORM to an external database

Home Forums Quform WordPress Connecting the QUFORM to an external database

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  • #37091


    I’ve identified a problem with QUFORM when using an external database connection.
    When a form includes an upload field and users submit PDFs or other documents, the files are saved with
    their original filenames and stored in public directories.
    This allows unauthorized access to the uploaded documents very easely, which is a significant concern, especially for
    sensitive files like bills, CVs, and invoices from clients.

    The best options would be access to selected roles, file names renamed(uniqid(); at least),
    and upload the files to private directories

    With Laravel it is how I would have done it, now with wordpress I do not know much about its
    code structure to be honest.

    Thank you for your attention to this matter.

    Best regards,


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    Hi Ally,

    I clicked on your link but it is sending me to the top of all the queries.
    Would it be possible to copy and paste it here please?

    Thank you,



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