CSV Import Excel Mac

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    I have been trying to import an csv to excel on a mac but it’s giving me massive problems. I used to have a windows machine and there were no problems importing or opening the csv’s generated by quform.

    The problem is with checkbox fields where one can select multiple options.
    so if I would have for example:
    Q1 (text): Name
    Q2 (checkbox): What fruits do you like with 4 options. (I selected all)

    Opening the exported csv on windows works as it should, all the selected fruits from the checkbox question will be in one cell. Importing the csv into excel on mac each fruit will be in a cell, so the first fruit will be in the correct column, then next fruit will be in de name column, the following in the fruit column again, then the last one in the name column again and then for the next entry the name will start in the fruit column, and so on creating on big mess…. especially when there’s several checkbox questions.

    Tried importing them using different settings, also I know there’s different way of ending lines on dos, unix, mac, windows machines so tried changing the line endings (LF/CR) in various ways using some tools available but nothing seems to get it to import correctly….. if the problem is with the line endings maybe an option during the export process where one can select what type of system they will use the file on which then saves the file with the appropriate conditions/parameters.

    Solution asap would be really appreciated as I need to process a loooooot of registrations done through quform which then needed to be imported to excel.

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    Worked like a charm Ally!

    Note though that the file I had to edit admin.php was located in /admin/admin.php and not in the includes/admin.php.

    I personally can find my way around these areas but am sure there’s lot’s of people that have no clue how to edit a file on a server…. the just want their exports to work and as this would really benefit lots of people I think maybe for a future upgrade have both functions “export_csv” and “export_xls” and a selector during the export process, this way people can choose how they would like to export as there’s people that need to export to excel and some peeps still need to csv and some people will need both.

    Thanks for the solution!

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