Custom Form Theme NOT working

Home Forums Quform WordPress Custom Form Theme NOT working

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  • This topic has 5 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago by ATN.
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  • #34959


    Please could you look at this 4 min video that explains and shows what I have done whilst following your support guidance on ‘Creating a custom form theme’

    Creating a custom form theme

    Video URL:

    It just will not work for me.

    I can send you a temp login if you require it but because I have only upgraded from a very, very old version today…only one of my live forms is working now.

    If possible an urgent response would really help.

    Thank you



    Am I doing something wrong here. It’s been 3 days and not a peep from support?

    PLease can someone help me.

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    Hi Ally

    Thank you for getting back to me. With that code, you supplied the plugin does now install.
    There is an error displaying after installation but the theme does now appear in the dropdown.

    I expected this new theme css file to only affect the QuForms styling but it throws the entire website out of style even what NOT allocated to any form.

    Please see this short 1.30 video to explain and understand the continuing issue.

    Again thanks for your help Ally


    Support Staff

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    • This reply was modified 2 years ago by Ally.

    Hi Ally

    That seems to have done the trick…there was indeed a whitespace before the PHP opening TAG.

    Thank you for your help, it’s much appreciated.


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