Custom notification email text

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    I’m trying to setup a custom email notification that uses the response to questions and creates a text statement. Here is an example:

    Form question: Please rate your satisfaction on a scale of 0-5…..(the person selects the “3” radio button)
    on the back end, the “customized value” for “3” would read: “reported satisfaction of 3/5”. So the text statement “reported satisfaction of 3/5” would appear on the notification email.

    If a person did not select an answer and the question was not required, then there would be no text statement generated. This works fine for a single selection multiple choice element. It does not work with an element that can have multiple check boxes selected. Here is another example:

    Form question: Please select your top three favorite colors: red orange yellow green …….
    I cannot figure out how to set up the text statement so that if a person selected red, orange and yellow the text statement would read “favorite colors: red, orange, yellow”. If I added “favorite colors:” to the notification email body and the question was not answered, there would just a hanging statement in the notification email.

    Ideas that might work if possible: code the question label into the response, 2. code the admin label into the response.

    Any other ideas would be helpful. I can give more example of what I’m trying to do via email.



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    Hi Ally,

    thanks for all your help, my custom email notifications are working great. I have a question about adding punctuation to the email_contents.php file. Can I add HTML to the file? I tried adding html but I was getting an error when submitting the form. I want to put in a period (.) at the end of a group of elements but don’t want to put it in an element text, could advise a good way to do it?


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