Date (German) not written to additional Table

Home Forums Quform WordPress Date (German) not written to additional Table

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  • #37341

    HI all,

    im using wordpress with overall default language “german” (d/m/Y). All other fields within the extension quform are set to default.

    Within the internal Db tables (wp_quform_entries) the created_at (type datetime) and updated_at values (type datetime) are set correct and I can see all values correctly.

    My extra DB table (same DB) shows all values correctly except the Date values. There are all “0000-00-00 00:00:00″. The type is also set to datetime as in wp_quform_entries.

    I have no Idea why the Date vlaues are not stored there like in wp_quform_entries table.

    has someone an idea what can cause the problem?

    Thanks in advance!”

    Support Staff

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