Date validation on holiday and weekend

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  • #23173

    Hi there,

    I am trying to disable the user from selecting holidays and weekend in the date picker. I have tired to add array validation invert with specific days and it works when submitting. however, I want a bit more that not letting the user from picking the dates I input in array validation. Any solution on it?

    Alternatively, can u update the code of the following to fit quform v2? I also have a try on it but cannot make it work. Please help. Thanks.

    Date validation

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by paulleaf.

    Hello! Anyone here?

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    Hi Ally,

    Can it be done by next week? Thanks. Alternatively, can you hide all the “saturday” and “sunday” by css first?

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    Hi Ally,

    Thanks for your prompt guide writing, it works! Look forward to having the code on adding unique days. Thanks you very much!


    your support site is utter crap!!!

    Is this a bank ? need to verify purchase code multiple times.

    I just paid ~$30 for extra 6 months support with quform because my captcha not working…

    and know what ? I cant be bothered posting a question on here now because
    I really dont have faith on the other person helping me anyways/….

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