Delay form submit until PayPal payment confirmed

Home Forums Quform WordPress Delay form submit until PayPal payment confirmed

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  • #18311

    Hi Ally,

    Thanks for your great in depth replies that I have been able to use to answer the majority of my questions!

    I have another that I’m not sure is even possible?

    I’m using Quform as a seminar registration form where customer fills out details and upon submit is redirected to a PayPal button URL to make a payment then redirected back from PayPal after payment to Thank You page.

    The problem I have is as soon as the submit button is clicked then the automated email response is sent confirming and thanking them for registering. It’s possible for them to abandon the process after clicking submit or not make payment at Paypal, but they will still receive the automated confirmation email because they clicked the submit button.

    I was wondering if it’s possible to delay the confirmation email until payment is confirmed from Paypal (in an automated way). I believe there’s a service called IPN that Paypal uses to notify the referrer that payment was successfully made.

    Do you have any experience with this and/or integrating this feature into Quform code so confirmation email sending waits for IPN confirmation before sending?

    Hope this makes sense. My form is located at:




    Hi Sean,
    I am doing something similar to you. The way I have gotten around it so far is to build a profile page in wordpress which can only be seen when the user is logged in and a certain role.
    The quform registers the person to wordpress then redirects to the paypal payment page. The paypal button redirects to the profile page on successful payment and a cancel page if they decide not to pay. On the profile page I have a link taking them to info that someone would gain access to if they make a purchase. In theory you could make that button a form so that when they access the content they get sent an email thanking them for registering and making the purchase.

    Hope that makes sense. Hopefully Ally will have a better solution but this is a work around that could work in the mean time.

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