Disappearing Success Message wont stay

Home Forums Quform PHP Disappearing Success Message wont stay

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  • #33439


    I have your PHP version of QuForm

    I want the success message (displayed after submitting the form in green at the top) to remain without disappearing.

    I’ve read your page here;

    Quform JavaScript options

    I’ve added this to the top of my scripts.js file

        successTimeout: 0

    But the success message still disappears after a few seconds.

    I’ve changed it to read

        successTimeout: 24000

    But it still disappears at the same time.

    I looked elsewhere on the support forum and found this page (post-20275)

    Success Page

    so tried that

    	successEnd: function () {
    	successTimeout: 0

    So I tried this but still not working.

    Any ideas?

    Here is a copy of my full script.js

    'use strict';
    jQuery(function($) {
    	successEnd: function () {
    	successTimeout: 0
    	// Tooltips
    	if(window.tippy) {
    		$('.quform-tooltip').each(function () {
    			tippy(this, {
    				theme: 'quform'
    	// Changes subject to a text field when 'Other' is chosen
    	$('#subject').replaceSelectWithTextInput({ onValue: 'Other' });
    (function ($) {
    	$(window).on('load', function () {
    		// Preload images
    		var images = [
    		// Preload images for any active themes
    		if ($('.quform-theme-light-light, .quform-theme-light-rounded').length) {
    			images = images.concat([
    		if ($('.quform-theme-dark-dark, .quform-theme-dark-rounded').length) {
    			images = images.concat([
    		if ($('.quform-theme-minimal-light').length) {
    			images = images.concat([
    		if ($('.quform-theme-minimal-dark').length) {
    			images = images.concat([

    I would also like the form to retain the data that was typed in and not deleted when submitted as well, if that is possible.

    Reason being is that when the see the data that has been submitted, and it may be wrong, they can just modify the already populated fields.

    Thank you in advance for your help

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by markko.
    • This topic was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by markko. Reason: added URL for second method
    • This topic was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by markko.

    Apologies. Chrome was stubborn. I needed to Ctrl-F5 to delete the cached js script. It is now working. 🙂

    On my second question is it possible to keep the form data intact, rather than clearing it when submitted?

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by markko.
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    Fantastic Ally. Works perfectly. Apologies for not discovering the original problem sooner!

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