Display success or error message above the form

Home Forums Quform PHP Display success or error message above the form

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  • #8807

    Is there a way to display success or error message above the form, not on an other php page


    Sorry it works like that by default, i have added “jQuery.noConflict();” in scripts.js, i just delete it and works normally


    I am using multiple jQuery scripts which use different jQuery version. In order to fix conflicts, I have used “jQuery.noConflict();” and even created multiple variables “var jq142 = jQuery.noConflict();”.

    As a result, the required error messages appear on an other php page. I tried adding “jQuery.noConflict();” to the top of scripts.js but the error messages still appear on separate php page.

    Do you have any recommendations so the required error messages reappear above the input text fields and not on a separate page?


    Problem Example: I have disabled all my other jQuery except the following jQuery and required error messages appear on a separate page. Without the “jQuery.noConflict();” the jQuery script carousel breaks. I have tried moving the jQuery script after the form because the carousel appears near the bottom of page. However, the problem still occurs.

    <!– image carouFredSel or slider –>
    <script type=”text/javascript” language=”javascript”>
    (function( $ ) {
    $(function() {
    auto : {
    items : 4,
    duration : 9500,
    easing : “linear”,
    timeoutDuration : 0,
    pauseOnHover : “immediate”
    })( jQuery );

    Any recommendations would be appreciated.


    I’m having the same issue, I have multiple scripts on my page, that each require a different version of jquery, and I’ve tried to disable all but the one required by QuForm and my other jquery items stop working, and I tried disabling the 1.8.3 version and using the 1.10.2 the other script needs and it doesn’t display the success message on the page with the form and instead displays it on the configuration/process page.


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