dynamic dropdown – can this functionality happen?

Home Forums Quform WordPress dynamic dropdown – can this functionality happen?

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    can this situation happen or be implemented?

    a DB table of cities and state
    a DB table of zip codes in a city

    So the dropdown displays CITY + ZIP CODE
    – if a city has multiple zip codes, a city has multiple cities
    – a person can type in a zip code OR city, to find which one they want

    == meaning, the instructions says: find your city or zip code

    – dropdown populate as you type

    can that happen?

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    thanks, so if i have jquery script working, that implements this type of functionality, I can “use it”, while still using quform to generate the form?

    where or how do I set the “field” to use the custom code?


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    so i’m a newbie when it comes to jquery, etc. I know PHP well, but feel completely lost with jquery ๐Ÿ™
    I can edit, tweak jquery some, but just don’t get the main parts ๐Ÿ™‚


    1) i have some working jquery custom code that populates as you type, pulling data from a table.
    2) its working but I dont’ understand how!?!?!? —> there are 4 files:
    -demo.php = the visual file you see which has the html of the form
    -index.php = php code that has connection to DB
    -js. file = the jquery code that does the functionality
    – css file = formating

    3) I do not see how or where the jquery in the js file connects to the DB, but it does.

    SO… to the point…
    if I make a quform with the single line text field, how or where do i add the php/js/jquery code to make the same functionality happen?

    so I have the pieces but don’t know how or where to make them work on the quform?

    Maybe this is out of your range of support or help, but I wanted to ask ๐Ÿ™‚


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