Editing a plain text email

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    Just wanted to say that I am in love with this product. It has never let me down and I can’t wait to see what other items you come out with in the future.

    Here is my question though, I need to have a plain text email of the form items. I don’t need the elements labeled like-


    I need to have each element put into special quotes like


    with each element being a different symbol that is the same in each email. So the name is always using &&x&&, the message is always **x**, and the email is @@x@@ – that way a program can parse the email for what is between the symbols.


    Note: I’m not looking for an automated way to label the elements in sequence. I want to set it up as something like (“XX” name “XX”) that works for me, however i’m not a procoder and still getting the hang of it all.

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    Ally you are amazing and please no need to apologize, I’m sure you are really busy and you are generous for helping us out. I like what you did, i’m going to give it a try. I sort of ended up glueing parts of your original code with what bits my brain can do and ended up something like this for the email-

    foreach ($form->getElements() as $element) {
    if (!$element->isHidden()) {
    echo $element->getLabel() . $n ;
    if ($element->getLabel() == "First name") {
    echo "$$$" . $element->getValueHtml('') . "$$$" . $n ;
    if ($element->getLabel() == "Last name") {
    echo "$$" . $element->getValueHtml('') . "$$" . $n ;
    if ($element->getLabel() == "Company") {
    echo "@@" . $element->getValueHtml('') . "@@" . $n ;
    if ($element->getLabel() == "Phone") {
    echo "!!" . $element->getValueHtml('') . "!!" . $n ;

    It may not be the most elegant solution but it seems to work and I was able to use it for a later callout to display date information in the american MM/DD/YYYY format. Thoughts? Suggestions? Thank you again for taking the time out to help.

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