Email verification + dynamic admin labels assignment

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  • #34930

    Hello, I have two questions.

    1) I need a form where the user must enter several email addresses. Every time he enters an email, he must re-enter the same address (in another field) to verify it. I accomplished this adding functions in theme editor. Unfortunately, my client will need to duplicate this form over and over in the future, with the results that the unique IDs I have put in the functions.php will no more be unique (i.e. the id 1_90 on the 1st form became the id 2_90 in the 2nd form, 3_90 in the 3rd and so on). How I can make it “dynamic” without having my client to edit the functions.php to make it works?

    2) I need a form where the user should select (as in a booking system) the number of guests he wants to book.
    If he select “1” I need to display a group of fields to enter the guest’s data (name, last name, phone, email, verify email and so on).
    If the user select, i.e., “3” guests, the system should spawn 3 groups with data fields for every guest.
    I’ve made this with conditional logic, and I’ve manually created up to 10 guests groups… but…
    – I was wondering if there’s a more clever way to do this (maybe with some scripting?)
    – When I export the form data, I get several columns with the same name (i.e. “Phone” is repeated for every single guest and there’s nothing in the column header that allow me to know if the value is for guest 1, or for guest 4 and so on.
    Is there a standard way to collect this kind of data? Many thanks.

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by weblink.
    • This topic was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by weblink.
    • This topic was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by weblink.
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