Existing session cookies will be overwritten by QuForm

Home Forums Quform WordPress Existing session cookies will be overwritten by QuForm

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  • #36033

    Dear QuForm Team,

    we use QuForm in a wide range of project und we like QuForm. But in one of our very important projects we have an issue with the coexistence of QuForm and a CMS system we use.

    As a result, the newsletter unsubscribe function does not work.

    In detail:

    The existing HTML request header field „Set-Cookie:“ will be overwritten with a QuForm session cookie.



    Line 653: header(‘Set-Cookie: ‘ . $str);

    Replace with:

    Line 653: header(‘Set-Cookie: ‘ . $str, false); // save the existing ‘Set-Cookie: ‘ field and create a second

    We found no other solution and we propose this as a change request to the QuForm code base.

    Best reagrds,

    • This topic was modified 10 months ago by patrpaaa.
    Support Staff

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