Hi, I have been using Quforms to build a large multi-paged form that is essential to my business.
If I create a new form autofill works. But after a certain point (not sure if it’s form length, number of pages, styling, content) autofill stops working for text fields.
The browser stored inputs are no longer coming up from the user’s previous answers in autofill.
It is the same situation in Chrome and Edge. And I’ve tried it from numerous devices, with cleared cache and experienced the same problem.
I’ve tried using javascript to forceably add the “autocomplete=on” attribute, but this hasn’t made any difference.
Is there any way to get autofill back for a large form?
Is it a limitation of a browser and beyond QuForms control?
Thank you.
This topic was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by che_rith_hateley. Reason: had a line repeated