Form submission with the option of payment.

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  • #19654

    Hello Ally and company!

    I’m interested to know if there’s anyway the following can be done:

    A form that can be submitted like usual or can be submitted along with a payment. Meaning, as users are filling out the form, they come to a question asking if they want to make a purchase or not. If they opt to make a purchase, they’re taken to PayPal and if not, the form submits as usual.

    I understand that forms allowing payments are embedded with a code making it exclusively for accepting payments. Maybe a user can be forwarded to the payment form when the appropriate selection is made and submitted? Or anyway to call a completely separate form upon selection?

    What would be the safest way to accomplish this if at all? I would also be interested in delaying submission until payment is cleared. I saw there was a topic about this but understand it’ll require an update. This for me is not a deal breaker.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Thank you!

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    Thank you Ally!

    If the hook (iphorm_success_message_X) can make it conditional, that should do the trick. Can you possibly give me an example of how to implement this if I used a multiple choice field?

    Your help will be appreciated it!

    Thanks again!

    Support Staff

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    Thank you so much Ally!

    I now have a better understanding how to apply this in other situations.

    You are the best!

    Thanks again for your awesome support!

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