Full Screen Video

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    Hi, I’m trying to create links for Full Screen video. The only way it seems to work without having any page/menu overlay is to create an “INTRO” page then choose background video as the link – which I have done.

    The problem arises when the video opens (from Youtube) as a full screen background, and yet it does not auto play no matter how I set the options. Also, a “play” arrow appears in the center of the screen but it doesn’t work when you mouse-over/click on it.

    Here is the page with vid links:

    Any ideas?



    I believe I’ve got the video running now. New problem is at Appearance -> Theme Options -> Backgrounds -> Background Image Groups… I have a group called “FrontSlideTemp” that I use for my opening. There are 45 files in there and I’ve tried to load more but I keep getting an error message which says:
    “An error occurred uploading the file. You may find more information in the browser console.”

    Is there a maximum amount of files that can go in an image group or something else keeping me from uploading anything else to that group..


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    Hi Ally, I’ve written to info@themecatcher.net but haven’t heard back as yet. I did the WP update hoping that would make things work. Unfortunately I’m still unable to add any more files to :

    Appearance -> Theme Options -> Backgrounds -> Background Image Groups… I have a group called “FrontSlide” that I use for my opening. There are 45 files in there and I’ve tried to load more but I keep getting an error message which says:
    “An error occurred uploading the file. You may find more information in the browser console.”



    Hi Alley.. still no word from them (above). Any ideas????


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