Getting DB error in PHP log file- Duplicate entry for table wl_quform_sessions

Home Forums Quform WordPress Getting DB error in PHP log file- Duplicate entry for table wl_quform_sessions

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    Hi team, When I am checking my server error log file, I can see the database error for this table wl_quform_sessions . Refer below error:

    WordPress database error Duplicate entry ‘medL8TJLIBappPFKkugbAs9HINJf0AaWt1yF7AdD’ for key ‘id’ for query INSERT INTO wl_quform_sessions (id, payload, last_activity) VALUES (‘medL8TJLIBappPFKkugbAs9HINJf0AaWt1yF7AdD’, ‘YToxOntzOjY6Il90b2tlbiI7czo0MDoiazFtZEJDQjd3NWdyWE9PNHhWb05OT21BR2JCdW02emlaVXRNUkttUiI7fQ==’, ‘1632893419’) made by shutdown_action_hook, do_action(‘shutdown’), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, Quform_Session->save, Quform_Session->write.

    I have checked the table entry for the above session id, its already present in the table. Can you please explain why this query running twice, so that I am getting the error? Looking forward to hearing back from you. Thanks

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    Hello Ally, thanks for your response. W3 Total cache is not installed but I have installed WP Rocket plugin, and I can see, Lazy load option is disabled there.

    This is some more information: I have two servers for one website, and we have load balancing over the servers,

    Please let me know, what can be the problem apart from cache plugin . thanks

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    Hi, Sorry I cannot provide you an admin access, due to some limitations. Can you let me know what you are going to check on admin dashboard? Please let me those checks, I can verify and will let you know the same.

    Also let me know, if is there something to check on server, I can check though FTP. Looking forward to hearing back from you. Thanks.

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    I have upgraded plugin to latest version i.e. 2.15.0, Still getting this error.

    Here are the answers for your questions:

    1. Whenever any specific page on site is visited, this error occurs in error_log file on the server. (Daily I can see this error)

    2. No, Its not breaking any functionality on the site.

    3. Yes, we have CAPTCHA implementation on login page.

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    Hi Ally,

    1. If you open the browser console and visit the specific page is are there any networking issues logged, like a 404 error for a missing image? –> I can not see any error in “Network tab” , but in console tab , there are two warnings for 2 js files . Here is the error: “DevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content”

    2. Do you have any caching at the database layer? -> Nt at all.

    3. Is there anything unusual about the page that triggers the error vs a page that does not? –> I can not see anything like this.

    I have sent the page link from the feedback form below, PLease let me know your answer. Thanks.

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