Input Multiple Email Address's in Email Field

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    I have some customers who need / want to put more than one email address in the Email field when they are submitting a job. Right now we have the “Email” field on the form, but if they put in multiple email addresses seperated by a semi colon or a comma it tells them the email address is invalid when they submit the form.

    Is there a way to allow multiple email addresses in that field?

    Thank you!

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    Hey Ally,

    Basically what they want to do is have it so in the email field they can put multiple email address’s, and when they submit a job it emails the response letter to all those people.

    If I turned off the validation and they added a comma or semi colon to separate, would it then send to multiple? If not I guess I can add Additional email fields.

    Is this something that could be added for future updates?

    Thank you,


    Hello Ally,
    I am assisting Brian Timco with this, I attempted multiple emails into one field separated by a comma with the validation off. There was a message stating the email had been sent but I did not receive any responders back to the emails I input. I also tried creating multiple fields for email in the form but in the form settings I can only choose one field to respond to. Is there any way via the functions.php to allow for multiple email input with multiple responses?

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