Issue with Dynamic Tag Integration in ‘quform-mailchimp’ Extension

Home Forums Quform WordPress Issue with Dynamic Tag Integration in ‘quform-mailchimp’ Extension

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    I am using your ‘quform-mailchimp’ extension in addition to Quform, which works well so far. However, I would like to add a feature: when the field ‘{element|id:5|tags}’ is filled in, I want this value to be sent as an additional tag to Mailchimp. Currently, I have a fixed tag set, but I want to dynamically append it with ‘{element|id:5|tags}’. Right now, the literal string ‘{element|id:5|tags}’ is being sent to Mailchimp instead of the actual input value. Could you please advise what I need to consider in this case?

    Thank you in advance.

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    • This reply was modified 8 months, 2 weeks ago by Ally.
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