Issue with slider

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  • #35099

    I am having an issue with the slider.

    I am not too great with this but I am pretty sure I followed step by step. This is currently installed at

    I am trying to get a fade out/ fade in transition. I have edited the scripts.js and it still doesn’t seem to work.

    [code] ;(function($, window) {
    	/** Settings **/
    	// List of background images to use, the default image will be the first one in the list
    	var backgrounds = [
    	// Background options - see documentation
    	backgroundOptions = {
    	transition: 'fadeOutFadeIn',
    	speed: '3000',

    Any idea what I’m doing wrong? Images are there but can’t seem to figure this out.

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    • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by Ally.
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