mapping for formID and fieldID

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  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago by Ally.
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  • #35149

    I’m considering creating some custom php to map form ID and field ID to plain English.


    function getQUFormID($plainEnglishID ) {
    quform_2 -> LandingPage
    quform_2_1 -> LandingPage_Username

    quform_3 -> FoodOrder
    quform_3_1 -> FoodOrder_FirstName
    quform_3_2 -> FoodOrder_DeliveryInstructions

    quform_4 -> HelpTicket

    return $ID;

    and in subsequent code call

    $FoodOrder = $form->getValueText( getQUFormID(‘FoodOrder_DeliveryInstructions’) );

    instead of ….

    $FoodOrder = $form->getValueText( ‘quform_3_2’ );

    The idea being the code is easier to read and if the field ID changes later on there is only one line of code to change that lives in one centralized place rather than 5 lines scattered across several php files.

    Has anyone implemented a similar approach or am I missing a better idea? I considered custom CSS on every field….

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