Modifying fields with conditional logic breaks the conditional logic

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    I have a form with about 15 items enabled thru conditional logic. If I make a change to an item early in the form that has conditional logic, it “breaks” the conditional logic of the questions below.

    Any ideas/solutions would be helpful. I am running 1.4.14 currently.



    So I figured out part of my problem, I had a whole group marked to “show under” conditional logic, but when I changed the options of the previous question the conditional logic was based on, it broke the logic and prevented the whole group from being displayed even though follow up questions with in the group had their own logic which should have caused them to be displayed.

    So items within a group cannot be displayed individually if the whole group is set to “hide” or the whole group is not set to “show”.

    As if that is not confusing enough. The ultimate problem I had is that if you change the labels on the options or the value of the option (if customized) if breaks the conditional logic of questions associated with those options/values.



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