NO Changes I see at META STORM OPTION section at actual page display.

Home Forums Storm WordPress NO Changes I see at META STORM OPTION section at actual page display.

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  • #16720

    I have a questions on below and advise further:

    1) I have accessed to edit the page :
    and tried type and add some sentences as selecting “LEFT NOTE BLOCK” at left Template in Meta Strom box….
    And I UPDATE and PUBLISHED it and no Changes I see at “LEFT NOTE BLOCK” section at actual page display.
    I accessed the edit page section again and the sentences I have written is ALL GONE… Please help

    2) I have accessed to edit the page :
    and tried to set template as “Default page” So that I do not see “LEFT NOTE BLOCK” box at actual page screen.
    And I UPDATE and PUBLISHED it and no Changes… I still see “LEFT NOTE BLOCK” at the screen of page.
    I accessed the edit page and still see template as “LEFT NOTE BLOCK”

    3) I have accessed to edit the page :
    and tried to change the title of blog but it won’t change and does not show KOREAN LANGUAGE title but just number and enlgish.
    Also I have insert some content as poting to blog but it does not update but only displays ust number and enlgish title and NO cpntents I have put.

    4)I’m trying to upload images for the background and my logo.
    For some reason my upload button is not working, not sure if I’m doing something wrong.

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