Pass value from HTML field to custom query in default confirmation

Home Forums Quform WordPress Pass value from HTML field to custom query in default confirmation

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    I checked many solutions. Non of them work. And I could not find a detailed instructions.

    Here are details
    Strona: Partnerzy i Poznaj zespół

    I have a form [quform id="7"]

    I inserted a HTML FIELD (id=7_17) containing code for a RANGE field

    <div class=”range2″>
    <input type=”range” min=”1″ max=”100″ step=”1″ value=”50″
    id=”atmosfera” name=”atm”/>

    I inserted a hidden field (id=7_20) in that form. Name of hidden field: Atmosfera_Hidden

    In DEFAULT CONFIRMATION of the form general settings
    i put the URL:
    and query string: atm={element|id:20|Atmosfera_Hidden}

    I have no idea how to make it work.

    I read that I need to use a JQUERY code, but I cant make it work.

    In custom java script i entered this code:

    jQuery(function($) {
    var atm = $(‘#field_7_17 #atmosfera’).val();

    $(‘#field_7_20 input[type=”hidden”]’).val(atm);

    But it don’t get this value and the resulted page is
    i put the URL: instead of
    i put the URL: for example

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    Thank you for quick reply. Now it works.


    But there is another problem. As soon as I add the JSCRIPT in General Setting of the Plugin (in Custom Java Script):

    jQuery(function($) {
    var atm = $(‘#field_8_15 #atmosfera’).val();

    $(‘#field_8_16 input[type=”hidden”]’).val(atm);

    a problem appears to ALL forms having a SELECT with “Enable enhanced select” ON and “Enhanced select search”=ON.

    All forms having this kind of Select field stops being “Searchable”.

    It looks as in attachment

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