populate radio buttons

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    I am workint to populate radio buttons, but I don’t get it.
    I am making an ajax call, thats fine, I get the answer from PHP, thats fine, but I can’t populate the radio buttons with the values that come from PHP.
    Is there any guide?
    Here is the code that I am using

    success: function(salida){
    var original = salida.trim();
    var cadena = original.substr(0,original.length-2);
    var data = cadena.split(‘,’);
    var largo = data.length;
    if (salida.trim() === ‘nada0’){


    for(var i = 0; i < largo; i++) {
    var numero = i+1;
    var opcion = radioGroup+’_’+numero;
    var item = data[i].split(‘-‘);


    radioGroup = var radioGroup = ‘.quform-field-43_12’;

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