Portfolio Capture and Logo

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  • #9073

    Hi there,

    GREAT theme!

    I created a portfolio at: http://visbalsculpture.net/portfolio/
    the thumbnail images cut off the heads on many of the images. Any way around that?

    Also, my client could like her logo to look like: http://visbalsculpture.com/
    I’m working on http://visbalsculpture.org – and as you can see, I can’t fit that logo into the ‘black bar”. Is there a way to let it overlap the black bar and look like it does on the .com site?


    Support Staff

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    Support Staff

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    Hi Ally!

    I finally got back to working on this site and tried to edit the php file as indicated above … however, I got:
    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING in /home3/visbal/public_html/wp-content/themes/storm/includes/framework.php on line 2

    Any idea what I’m doing wrong? REALLY appreciate your help!!!


    Hi Ally, I figured out the php error but the code did not resolve my issue …

    This is what I have:
    $params = array(

    ‘src’ => tcr_get_image_src($image),

    ‘w’ => $size[‘width’],

    ‘h’ => $size[‘height’],

    ‘q’ => $quality,

    ‘zc’=> $gt, 2,

    ‘cc’=> $gt, ‘0D0D0C’


    But if you take a look at the thumbnail images at: http://visbalsculpture.net/current-projects
    you’ll see that we are capturing an unattractive portion. Can we capture the top of each image? MANY thanks!

    Support Staff

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    Hey Ally!

    The “original code” ‘did not match your post above … but I “did” replace it exactly as you suggested (copied and pasted) and got the error I noted above. I have attached the current file for your review. I very much appreciate your help!

    Also, I can provide ftp information and/or login info if you need it!:)



    My file was rejected so here is the code:



    * framework.php


    * – Theme setup

    * – Front-end and admin common functions


    // Prevent direct script access

    if (!defined(‘ABSPATH’)) exit;

    // Define constants


    || define(‘TCR_NAME’, ‘Storm’);


    || define(‘TCR_VERSION’, ‘1.2.2’);


    || define(‘TCR_SLUG’, get_template());


    || define(‘TCR_DIR’, get_template_directory());


    || define(‘TCR_URL’, get_template_directory_uri());


    || define(‘TCR_INCLUDES_DIR’, TCR_DIR . ‘/includes’);


    || define(‘TCR_CACHE_DIR’, TCR_DIR . ‘/cache’);


    || define(‘TCR_CACHE_URL’, TCR_URL . ‘/cache’);


    || define(‘TCR_ADMIN_DIR’, TCR_DIR . ‘/admin’);


    || define(‘TCR_ADMIN_INCLUDES_DIR’, TCR_ADMIN_DIR . ‘/includes’);


    || define(‘TCR_ADMIN_URL’, TCR_URL . ‘/admin’);


    || define(‘TCR_OPTIONS_NAME’, TCR_SLUG . ‘_options’);


    || define(‘TCR_TEXT_DOMAIN’, TCR_SLUG);


    || define(‘TCR_ADMIN_TEXT_DOMAIN’, TCR_SLUG . ‘_admin’);


    || define (‘TCR_PREFIX’, ‘tcr’);

    // Get the theme options

    $tcr[‘options’] = tcr_get_options();

    // Load framework hooks

    require_once TCR_INCLUDES_DIR . ‘/hooks.php’;

    // Load the theme shortcodes

    require_once TCR_INCLUDES_DIR . ‘/shortcodes.php’;

    // Load the theme widgets

    require_once TCR_INCLUDES_DIR . ‘/widgets.php’;


    * Get the theme options


    * @return array


    function tcr_get_options()


    $savedOptions = get_option(TCR_OPTIONS_NAME);

    $savedOptions = is_array($savedOptions) ? $savedOptions : array();

    return array_merge(tcr_get_default_options(), $savedOptions);


    add_action(‘after_setup_theme’, ‘tcr_theme_setup’);


    * Theme setup


    function tcr_theme_setup()


    // Set up translations

    load_theme_textdomain(TCR_TEXT_DOMAIN, TCR_DIR . ‘/languages’);

    // Add thumbnail support


    // Add post format support

    add_theme_support(‘post-formats’, array(‘aside’, ‘link’, ‘gallery’, ‘status’, ‘quote’, ‘image’, ‘video’, ‘chat’));


    add_action(‘init’, ‘tcr_register_custom_post_types’);


    * Register custom post types


    function tcr_register_custom_post_types()


    global $tcr;

    // Register Portfolio post type

    register_post_type(‘portfolio’, array(

    ‘labels’ => array(

    ‘name’ => __(‘Portfolio’, TCR_ADMIN_TEXT_DOMAIN),

    ‘singular_name’ => __(‘Portfolio Item’, TCR_ADMIN_TEXT_DOMAIN),

    ‘add_new’ => _x(‘Add New’, ‘add portfolio item’, TCR_ADMIN_TEXT_DOMAIN),

    ‘add_new_item’ => _x(‘Add New Item’, ‘add new portfolio item’, TCR_ADMIN_TEXT_DOMAIN),

    ‘all_items’ => _x(‘All Items’, ‘all portfolio items’, TCR_ADMIN_TEXT_DOMAIN),

    ‘edit_item’ => _x(‘Edit Item’, ‘edit portfolio item’, TCR_ADMIN_TEXT_DOMAIN),

    ‘new_item’ => __(‘New Portfolio Item’, TCR_ADMIN_TEXT_DOMAIN),

    ‘view_item’ => _x(‘View Item’, ‘view portfolio item’, TCR_ADMIN_TEXT_DOMAIN),

    ‘search_items’ => __(‘Search Portfolio Items’, TCR_ADMIN_TEXT_DOMAIN),

    ‘not_found’ => __(‘No portfolio Items found.’, TCR_ADMIN_TEXT_DOMAIN),

    ‘not_found_in_trash’ => __(‘No portfolio items found in Trash.’, TCR_ADMIN_TEXT_DOMAIN),

    ‘parent_item_colon’ => ”,


    ‘public’ => true,

    ‘publicly_queryable’ => true,

    ‘exclude_from_search’ => false,

    ‘show_ui’ => true,

    ‘show_in_menu’ => true,

    ‘capability_type’ => ‘post’,

    ‘hierarchical’ => false,

    ‘supports’ => array(‘title’, ‘editor’, ‘excerpt’, ‘thumbnail’, ‘page-attributes’),

    ‘has_archive’ => false,

    ‘query_var’ => false,

    ‘rewrite’ => array(‘slug’ => $tcr[‘options’][‘portfolio_rewrite_slug’] ? $tcr[‘options’][‘portfolio_rewrite_slug’] : ‘portfolio’, ‘with_front’ => true, ‘pages’ => true, ‘feeds’ => false),

    ‘can_export’ => true,

    ‘show_in_nav_menus’ => true


    if ($tcr[‘options’][‘portfolio_comments’]) {

    add_post_type_support(‘portfolio’, ‘comments’);


    // Register Portfolio Category taxonomy

    register_taxonomy(‘portfolio_category’, ‘portfolio’, array(

    ‘labels’ => array(

    ‘name’ => __(‘Portfolio Categories’, TCR_ADMIN_TEXT_DOMAIN),

    ‘singular_name’ => __(‘Portfolio Category’, TCR_ADMIN_TEXT_DOMAIN),

    ‘search_items’ => __(‘Search Categories’, TCR_ADMIN_TEXT_DOMAIN),

    ‘popular_items’ => __(‘Popular Categories’, TCR_ADMIN_TEXT_DOMAIN),

    ‘all_items’ => __(‘All Categories’, TCR_ADMIN_TEXT_DOMAIN),

    ‘parent_item’ => null,

    ‘parent_item_colon’ => null,

    ‘edit_item’ => __(‘Edit Portfolio Category’, TCR_ADMIN_TEXT_DOMAIN),

    ‘update_item’ => __(‘Update Portfolio Category’, TCR_ADMIN_TEXT_DOMAIN),

    ‘add_new_item’ => __(‘Add New Portfolio Category’, TCR_ADMIN_TEXT_DOMAIN),

    ‘new_item_name’ => __(‘New Portfolio Category Name’, TCR_ADMIN_TEXT_DOMAIN),

    ‘menu_name’ => __(‘Categories’, TCR_ADMIN_TEXT_DOMAIN)


    ‘public’ => false,

    ‘show_in_nav_menus’ => false,

    ‘show_ui’ => true,

    ‘show_tagcloud’ => false,

    ‘hierarchical’ => true,

    ‘query_var’ => false,

    ‘rewrite’ => false




    * Get the default options for the theme


    * @return array


    function tcr_get_default_options()


    $translations = tcr_get_default_translations();

    foreach ($translations as $key => &$value) {

    $value = ”;


    return array(

    // General

    ‘general_logo’ => str_replace(site_url(), ”, TCR_URL . ‘/images/logo.png’),

    ‘general_logo_url’ => ”,

    ‘general_logo_top’ => 44,

    ‘general_logo_left’ => 0,

    ‘general_favicon’ => ”,

    ‘general_sticky_header’ => false,

    ‘general_header_style’ => ‘standard-header’,

    ‘general_navigation_width’ => 690,

    ‘general_analytics’ => ”,

    ‘general_search’ => true,

    ‘general_layout’ => ‘full-width’,

    ‘general_page_layout’ => ‘full-width’,

    ‘general_intro_style’ => ‘transparent-intro’,

    ‘general_content_style’ => ‘plain-black’,

    ‘general_read_more_text’ => __(‘Read More’, TCR_TEXT_DOMAIN),

    ‘general_breadcrumbs’ => true,

    ‘general_font’ => ‘comfortaa’,

    ‘general_font_selector’ => ‘h1, h3.widget-title, h2.intro-subtitle’,

    ‘general_font_fullscreen’ => true,

    ‘general_font_portfolio’ => true,

    ‘general_font_serene’ => true,

    ‘general_font_fancybox’ => true,

    ‘general_color_main’ => ‘#ffa200’,

    ‘general_color_heading’ => ‘#ffffff’,

    ‘general_color_subheading’ => ‘#ffa200’,

    ‘general_color_background’ => ‘#111111’,

    // Background

    ‘background_backgrounds’ => array(),

    ‘background_groups’ => array(),

    ‘background_overlay’ => ‘diagonal’,

    ‘background_video’ => ”,

    ‘background_video_width’ => ”,

    ‘background_video_height’ => ”,

    ‘background_video_start’ => 0,

    ‘background_video_autostart’ => true,

    ‘background_video_complete’ => ‘restart’,

    ‘background_video_redirect’ => ”,

    ‘background_video_full_screen’ => true,

    ‘background_video_full_screen_overlay’ => true,

    ‘background_audio’ => array(),

    ‘background_audio_random’ => false,

    ‘background_audio_autostart’ => true,

    ‘background_audio_complete’ => ‘restart’,

    ‘background_speed’ => 2000,

    ‘background_transition’ => ‘fade’,

    ‘background_position’ => ‘fixed’,

    ‘background_fit_landscape’ => false,

    ‘background_fit_portrait’ => true,

    ‘background_fit_always’ => false,

    ‘background_position_x’ => ‘center’,

    ‘background_position_y’ => ‘center’,

    ‘background_easing’ => ‘swing’,

    ‘background_hide_speed’ => 1000,

    ‘background_show_speed’ => 1000,

    ‘background_control_speed’ => 500,

    ‘background_save’ => true,

    ‘background_slideshow’ => true,

    ‘background_slideshow_auto’ => true,

    ‘background_slideshow_speed’ => 5000,

    ‘background_random’ => false,

    ‘background_keyboard’ => true,

    ‘background_caption_position’ => ‘right bottom’,

    ‘background_caption_speed’ => 600,

    ‘background_bullets’ => true,

    ‘background_low_quality’ => false,

    ‘background_breaker’ => false,

    ‘background_breaker_on_max’ => false,

    // Blog

    ‘blog_layout’ => ‘right-sidebar’,

    ‘blog_single_layout’ => ‘right-sidebar’,

    ‘blog_show_date_circle’ => true,

    ‘blog_comments_layout’ => ‘tabs’,

    ‘blog_title’ => __(‘Blog’, TCR_TEXT_DOMAIN),

    ‘blog_subtitle’ => ”,

    ‘blog_single_featured_image’ => true,

    ‘blog_single_featured_image_type’ => ‘full’,

    ‘blog_single_featured_float_width’ => 250,

    ‘blog_single_featured_float_height’ => 0,

    ‘blog_show_author_description’ => true,

    ‘blog_show_single_nav’ => true,

    ‘blog_featured_image’ => true,

    ‘blog_featured_image_type’ => ‘below’,

    ‘blog_scale_featured_height’ => true,

    ‘blog_fixed_featured_height’ => 300,

    ‘blog_featured_float_width’ => 150,

    ‘blog_featured_float_height’ => 0,

    // Portfolio

    ‘portfolio_single_layout’ => ‘full-width’,

    ‘portfolio_show_single_nav’ => true,

    ‘portfolio_featured_image’ => true,

    ‘portfolio_scale_featured_height’ => true,

    ‘portfolio_fixed_featured_height’ => 300,

    ‘portfolio_video_width’ => 640,

    ‘portfolio_video_height’ => 360,

    ‘portfolio_comments’ => false,

    ‘portfolio_rewrite_slug’ => ”,

    ‘portfolio_speed’ => 2000,

    ‘portfolio_transition’ => ‘fade’,

    ‘portfolio_fit_landscape’ => false,

    ‘portfolio_fit_portrait’ => true,

    ‘portfolio_fit_always’ => false,

    ‘portfolio_position_x’ => ‘center’,

    ‘portfolio_position_y’ => ‘center’,

    ‘portfolio_easing’ => ‘swing’,

    ‘portfolio_control_speed’ => 500,

    ‘portfolio_slideshow’ => true,

    ‘portfolio_slideshow_auto’ => true,

    ‘portfolio_slideshow_speed’ => 7000,

    ‘portfolio_keyboard’ => true,

    ‘portfolio_caption_position’ => ‘center bottom’,

    ‘portfolio_caption_speed’ => 600,

    ‘portfolio_bullets’ => true,

    ‘portfolio_low_quality’ => false,

    // Footer

    ‘footer_left_content’ => ‘Storm by ThemeCatcher © ‘ . date(‘Y’) . ‘ ‘ . get_bloginfo(‘name’),

    ‘footer_top_link’ => true,

    ‘footer_position’ => ‘fixed’,

    // Contact

    ‘contact_quform_id’ => ”,

    ‘contact_phone_number’ => ”,

    ‘contact_fax_number’ => ”,

    ‘contact_email’ => ”,

    ‘contact_address’ => ”,

    ‘contact_map’ => ”,

    // Advanced

    ‘advanced_custom_css’ => ”,

    ‘advanced_custom_js’ => ”,

    ‘last_saved’ => time()

    ) + $translations;



    * Get the list of translatable strings


    function tcr_get_default_translations()


    return array(

    ‘translate_search’ => ‘Search’,

    ‘translate_go’ => ‘Go’,

    ‘translate_location’ => ‘Location’,

    ‘translate_find_us’ => ‘Find us’,

    ‘translate_hide_map’ => ‘Hide map’,

    ‘translate_phone’ => ‘Phone’,

    ‘translate_fax’ => ‘Fax’,

    ‘translate_email’ => ‘Email’,

    ‘translate_contact_details’ => ‘Contact Details’,

    ‘translate_facebook’ => ‘Facebook’,

    ‘translate_opening_times’ => ‘Opening Times’,

    ‘translate_popular_posts’ => ‘Popular Posts’,

    ‘translate_recent_posts’ => ‘Recent Posts’,

    ‘translate_related_posts’ => ‘Related Posts’,

    ‘translate_social_links’ => ‘Social Pinks’,

    ‘translate_twitter’ => ‘Twitter’,

    ‘translate_follow_me’ => ‘Follow Me’,

    ‘translate_no_portfolio_items’ => ‘No portfolio items found.’,

    ‘translate_permalink_to’ => ‘Permalink to %s’,

    ‘translate_author_says’ => ‘%s <span class=”says”>says:</span>’,

    ‘translate_date_at_time’ => ‘%1$s at %2$s’,

    ‘translate_comment_moderation’ => ‘Your comment is awaiting moderation.’,

    ‘translate_pingback’ => ‘Pingback:’,

    ‘translate_date_by_author’ => ‘%1$s by %4$s‘,

    ‘translate_view_all_posts_by’ => ‘View all posts by %s’,

    ‘translate_older_posts’ => ‘<span class=”meta-nav”>←</span> Older posts’,

    ‘translate_newer_posts’ => ‘Newer posts <span class=”meta-nav”>→</span>’,

    ‘translate_scroll_to_top’ => ‘Scroll to top’,

    ‘translate_top’ => ‘Top’,

    ‘translate_no_posts_found’ => ‘Sorry, no posts matched your criteria. Try another search?’,

    ‘translate_page_not_found’ => ‘Sorry, but the page you requested could not be found. Perhaps searching will help.’,

    ‘translate_search’ => ‘Search’,

    ‘translate_search_results_for’ => ‘Search results for “%s”’,

    ‘translate_uh_oh’ => ‘Uh oh…’,

    ‘translate_404’ => ‘404 Not Found’,

    ‘translate_archives’ => ‘Archives’,

    ‘translate_category_archive_for’ => ‘Category Archive for %1$s’,

    ‘translate_posts_tagged’ => ‘Posts Tagged %1$s’,

    ‘translate_daily_archive_for’ => ‘Daily Archive for %1$s’,

    ‘translate_monthly_archive_for’ => ‘Monthly Archive for %1$s’,

    ‘translate_yearly_archive_for’ => ‘Yearly Archive for %1$s’,

    ‘translate_author_archive_for’ => ‘Author Archive for %1$s’,

    ‘translate_archives_for’ => ‘Archives for %1$s’,

    ‘translate_pages’ => ‘Pages’,

    ‘translate_pages_text’ => ‘Page %CURRENT_PAGE% of %TOTAL_PAGES%’,

    ‘translate_first_text’ => ‘« First’,

    ‘translate_last_text’ => ‘Last »’,

    ‘translate_next_text’ => ‘»’,

    ‘translate_prev_text’ => ‘«’,

    ‘translate_dotright_text’ => ‘…’,

    ‘translate_dotleft_text’ => ‘…’,

    ‘translate_about_author’ => ‘About %s’,

    ‘translate_singular_comments’ => ‘%d Comment’,

    ‘translate_plural_comments’ => ‘%d Comments’,

    ‘translate_singular_trackbacks’ => ‘%d Trackback’,

    ‘translate_plural_trackbacks’ => ‘%d Trackbacks’,

    ‘translate_comments’ => ‘Comments’,

    ‘translate_trackbacks’ => ‘Trackbacks’,

    ‘translate_reply’ => ‘Reply <span>↓</span>’,

    ‘translate_older_comments’ => ‘← Older Comments’,

    ‘translate_newer_comments’ => ‘Newer Comments →’,

    ‘translate_comments_closed’ => ‘Comments are closed.’,

    ‘translate_name’ => ‘Name’,

    ‘translate_email’ => ‘Email’,

    ‘translate_website’ => ‘Website’,

    ‘translate_comment’ => ‘Comment’,

    ‘translate_leave_reply’ => ‘Leave a Reply’,

    ‘translate_one_reply’ => ‘<b>1</b> Reply’,

    ‘translate_many_replies’ => ‘<b>%</b> Replies’,

    ‘translate_categories_colon’ => ‘Categories:’,

    ‘translate_tags_colon’ => ‘Tags:’,

    ‘translate_skip_intro’ => ‘Skip intro »’,

    ‘translate_background’ => ‘Background’,

    ‘translate_video’ => ‘Video’,

    ‘translate_audio’ => ‘Audio’,

    ‘translate_no_tweets_found’ => ‘No tweets found.’



    add_action(‘init’, ‘tcr_register_nav_menus’);

    function tcr_register_nav_menus() {


    ‘primary-menu’ => __(‘Primary Menu’, TCR_ADMIN_TEXT_DOMAIN)




    * Get the post meta value with the given key or the default

    * if the value is empty

    * @param int $post_id

    * @param string $key

    * @param mixed $default

    * @return mixed


    function tcr_get_post_meta($post_id, $key, $default = ”)


    $value = get_post_meta($post_id, ‘_tcr_’ . $key, true);

    if ($value === ” || $value === false) {

    return $default;


    return $value;



    * Returns an HTML image element


    * @param string $src Path of the image

    * @param array $atts Other attributes of the img tag


    function tcr_get_image_tag($src, $atts = array())


    if (!isset($atts[‘alt’])) {

    $atts[‘alt’] = ”;


    $imgAtts = ”;

    foreach ($atts as $att => $value) {

    $imgAtts .= ‘ ‘ . $att . ‘=”‘ . esc_attr($value) . ‘”‘;


    return ‘‘;



    * Get the path to the image resized to the given dimensions


    * @param string|int $image Path or attachment ID

    * @param array $size An array with width and height values

    * @param int $quality The result image quality


    function tcr_get_image_src($image, $size = ‘full’, $quality = 90)


    if(!$image) {

    return ”;


    if (is_numeric($image)) {

    $image = wp_get_attachment_image_src($image, ‘full’);

    $image = $image[0];


    if (!is_array($size)) {

    return $image;

    } else {

    if (!isset($size[‘width’])) $size[‘width’] = 0;

    if (!isset($size[‘height’])) $size[‘height’] = 0;


    $params = array(

    ‘src’ => tcr_get_image_src($image),

    ‘w’ => $size[‘width’],

    ‘h’ => $size[‘height’],

    ‘q’ => $quality,

    ‘zc’=> $gt, 2,

    ‘cc’=> $gt, ‘0D0D0C’


    return TCR_URL . ‘/includes/timthumb.php?’ . http_build_query($params, ”, ‘&’);



    * Logging function


    * Logs each argument as an entry in the error log


    function tcr_error_log()


    foreach (func_get_args() as $arg) {







    * Get the list of all available fonts. Format:


    * ‘unique_key – preview image filename’ => array(

    * ‘type’ => ‘cufon|google’,

    * ‘name’ => ‘font file name before .font.js (Cufon)|font name in href (Google)’,

    * ‘family’ => ‘name of font family’

    * );


    * @return array


    function tcr_get_fonts()


    return apply_filters(‘tcr_fonts’, array(

    // Cufon fonts

    ‘comfortaa’ => array(

    ‘type’ => ‘cufon’,

    ‘name’ => ‘Comfortaa_400’,

    ‘family’ => ‘Comfortaa’,

    ‘preview’ => ‘comfortaa.gif’


    ‘dejavu’ => array(

    ‘type’ => ‘cufon’,

    ‘name’ => ‘DejaVu_Serif_Condensed_400’,

    ‘family’ => ‘DejaVu Serif Condensed’,

    ‘preview’ => ‘dejavu.gif’


    ‘raspoutine’ => array(

    ‘type’ => ‘cufon’,

    ‘name’ => ‘Raspoutine_DemiBold_italic_600’,

    ‘family’ => ‘Raspoutine DemiBold’,

    ‘preview’ => ‘raspoutine.gif’


    ‘caviar_dreams’ => array(

    ‘type’ => ‘cufon’,

    ‘name’ => ‘Caviar_Dreams_400’,

    ‘family’ => ‘Caviar Dreams’,

    ‘preview’ => ‘caviar_dreams.gif’


    ‘cicle’ => array(

    ‘type’ => ‘cufon’,

    ‘name’ => ‘Cicle_300’,

    ‘family’ => ‘Cicle’,

    ‘preview’ => ‘cicle.gif’


    ‘dirty_ego’ => array(

    ‘type’ => ‘cufon’,

    ‘name’ => ‘Dirty_Ego_400’,

    ‘family’ => ‘Dirty Ego’,

    ‘preview’ => ‘dirty_ego.gif’


    ‘homizio’ => array(

    ‘type’ => ‘cufon’,

    ‘name’ => ‘Homizio_400’,

    ‘family’ => ‘Homizio’,

    ‘preview’ => ‘homizio.gif’


    ‘nilland’ => array(

    ‘type’ => ‘cufon’,

    ‘name’ => ‘Nilland_400’,

    ‘family’ => ‘Nilland’,

    ‘preview’ => ‘nilland.gif’


    ‘x360’ => array(

    ‘type’ => ‘cufon’,

    ‘name’ => ‘X360_by_Redge_400’,

    ‘family’ => ‘X360 by Redge’,

    ‘preview’ => ‘x360.gif’


    // Google fonts

    ‘oxygen’ => array(

    ‘type’ => ‘google’,

    ‘name’ => ‘Oxygen’,

    ‘family’ => ‘Oxygen’,

    ‘preview’ => ‘oxygen.gif’,

    ‘subset’ => ‘latin’ // also available: latin-ext


    ‘marmelad’ => array(

    ‘type’ => ‘google’,

    ‘name’ => ‘Marmelad’,

    ‘family’ => ‘Marmelad’,

    ‘preview’ => ‘marmelad.gif’,

    ‘subset’ => ‘latin’ // also available: latin-ext,cyrillic


    ‘dosis’ => array(

    ‘type’ => ‘google’,

    ‘name’ => ‘Dosis’,

    ‘family’ => ‘Dosis’,

    ‘preview’ => ‘dosis.gif’,

    ‘subset’ => ‘latin’ // also available: latin-ext


    ‘playball’ => array(

    ‘type’ => ‘google’,

    ‘name’ => ‘Playball’,

    ‘family’ => ‘Playball’,

    ‘preview’ => ‘playball.gif’,

    ‘subset’ => ‘latin’ // also available: latin-ext


    ‘noticia_text’ => array(

    ‘type’ => ‘google’,

    ‘name’ => ‘Noticia+Text’,

    ‘family’ => ‘Noticia Text’,

    ‘preview’ => ‘noticia_text.gif’,

    ‘subset’ => ‘latin’ // also available: latin-ext,vietnamese


    ‘pontano_sans’ => array(

    ‘type’ => ‘google’,

    ‘name’ => ‘Pontano+Sans’,

    ‘family’ => ‘Pontano Sans’,

    ‘preview’ => ‘pontano_sans.gif’,

    ‘subset’ => ‘latin’ // also available: latin-ext


    ‘brawler’ => array(

    ‘type’ => ‘google’,

    ‘name’ => ‘Brawler’,

    ‘family’ => ‘Brawler’,

    ‘preview’ => ‘brawler.gif’,

    ‘subset’ => ‘latin’ // no other subsets available


    ‘handlee’ => array(

    ‘type’ => ‘google’,

    ‘name’ => ‘Handlee’,

    ‘family’ => ‘Handlee’,

    ‘preview’ => ‘handlee.gif’,

    ‘subset’ => ‘latin’ // no other subsets available


    ‘ruluko’ => array(

    ‘type’ => ‘google’,

    ‘name’ => ‘Ruluko’,

    ‘family’ => ‘Ruluko’,

    ‘preview’ => ‘ruluko.gif’,

    ‘subset’ => ‘latin’ // also available: latin-ext


    ‘cabin_condensed’ => array(

    ‘type’ => ‘google’,

    ‘name’ => ‘Cabin+Condensed’,

    ‘family’ => ‘Cabin Condensed’,

    ‘preview’ => ‘cabin_condensed.gif’,

    ‘subset’ => ‘latin’ // no other subsets available


    ‘arimo’ => array(

    ‘type’ => ‘google’,

    ‘name’ => ‘Arimo’,

    ‘family’ => ‘Arimo’,

    ‘preview’ => ‘arimo.gif’,

    ‘subset’ => ‘latin’ // no other subsets available


    ‘tinos’ => array(

    ‘type’ => ‘google’,

    ‘name’ => ‘Tinos’,

    ‘family’ => ‘Tinos’,

    ‘preview’ => ‘tinos.gif’,

    ‘subset’ => ‘latin’ // no other subsets available


    ‘droid_serif’ => array(

    ‘type’ => ‘google’,

    ‘name’ => ‘Droid+Serif’,

    ‘family’ => ‘Droid Serif’,

    ‘preview’ => ‘droid_serif.gif’,

    ‘subset’ => ‘latin’ // no other subsets available


    ‘open_sans’ => array(

    ‘type’ => ‘google’,

    ‘name’ => ‘Open+Sans:400,300’,

    ‘family’ => ‘Open Sans’,

    ‘preview’ => ‘open_sans.gif’,

    ‘subset’ => ‘latin’ // also available: latin-ext,cyrillic,cyrillic-ext,greek,greek-ext,vietnamese


    ‘bitter’ => array(

    ‘type’ => ‘google’,

    ‘name’ => ‘Bitter:400,700’,

    ‘family’ => ‘Bitter’,

    ‘preview’ => ‘bitter.gif’,

    ‘subset’ => ‘latin’ // also available: latin-ext





    * Get the font options list


    * @return array


    function tcr_get_font_options()


    $fonts = tcr_get_fonts();

    $options = array(

    ‘cufon’ => array(),

    ‘google’ => array()


    foreach ($fonts as $name => $info) {

    if ($info[‘type’] == ‘cufon’) {

    $options[‘cufon’][$name] = $info;

    } elseif ($info[‘type’] == ‘google’) {

    $options[‘google’][$name] = $info;



    return $options;



    * Return the translation for the given key or use $default if

    * there is no translation


    * @param string $key The translation key

    * @param string $default Default translation


    function tcr__($key, $default = ”)


    global $tcr;

    $key = ‘translate_’ . $key;

    if ($tcr[‘options’][$key] !== ”) {

    return $tcr[‘options’][$key];


    return $default;



    * Echo the translation for the given key or use $default if

    * there is no translation


    * @param string $key The translation key

    * @param string $default Default translation


    function tcr_e($key, $default = ”)


    echo tcr__($key, $default);



    * Escape HTML and return the translation for the given key or use $default if

    * there is no translation


    * @uses esc_html

    * @param string $key The translation key

    * @param string $default Default translation


    function tcr_esc_html__($key, $default = ”)


    return esc_html(tcr__($key, $default));



    * Escape for attributes and return the translation for the given key or use $default if

    * there is no translation.


    * @uses esc_attr

    * @param string $key The translation key

    * @param string $default Default translation


    function tcr_esc_attr__($key, $default = ”)


    return esc_attr(tcr__($key, $default));



    * Escape HTML and echo the translation for the given key or use $default if

    * there is no translation


    * @uses esc_html

    * @param string $key The translation key

    * @param string $default Default translation


    function tcr_esc_html_e($key, $default = ”)


    echo tcr_esc_html__($key, $default);



    * Escape for attributes and echo the translation for the given key or use $default if

    * there is no translation.


    * @uses esc_attr

    * @param string $key The translation key

    * @param string $default Default translation


    function tcr_esc_attr_e($key, $default = ”)


    echo tcr_esc_attr__($key, $default);


    if (is_admin()) {

    // Load the admin (backend) functions

    require_once TCR_ADMIN_DIR . ‘/admin.php’;

    } else {

    // Load the theme (frontend) functions

    require_once TCR_INCLUDES_DIR . ‘/theme.php’;


    Support Staff

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    Thank you, Ally!!!

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