Quform integration with HubSpot

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    Good Day,

    We are currently having some issues with our integration with HubSpot.

    Is it perhaps possible to have the same sections created on Quform appear on HubSpot? We have tried it but even after creating the exact sections and using same names some fields just do not populate.

    Also the naming of all Quforms have cryptic names over on Hubspot. Is there any changes we can do on Quform side to have the forms populate on Hubspot under the general name of that form i.e residential form would show up as Residential form on Hubspot and not have a cryptic name. I have attached an image below to illustrate this issue.

    Thanks in advance

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    Thank you. I’ll have a look at the add on and see if it fits our needs and solves our issues


    Hi Support:

    I have Contracted the HubSpot, and apparently, as the QuForm is generating a Unique ID for each submission the HubSpot backend is counting each as a new form completely.
    I did some research on your forum and someone recommended adding the following to the Function of Theme however, even with this solution each page will have its own unique Form ID.

    I was wondering if there is any solution to correct this issue, as I’m sure many companies are using HubSpot integration.

    add_action(‘quform_pre_display’, function (Quform_Form $form) {
    static $count = 1;
    $form->setUniqueId(‘Form’ . $count++);

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    I inserted the code into Functions.php. In Hubspot, each request is still imported as a new form. What am I doing wrong?


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    Thank you Ally!

    Clearing the cache solved the problem. Now all requests arrive at Hubspot under the same form name. Excellent! I already mentioned the next problem I have in the other post. I need a way to rename the field names that arrive at Hubspot. See the screenshot. Is there a way to do this?

    Thank you

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    ok, thank you.

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