Quform to build html email sending web app

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    Hi, I wanted to use Quform to build an application where a site administrator can log in to their site, and enter data into a Quform form to produce an html email (with a set template) that will be sent off to a customer whose email they have specified in one of the form fields. Other fields would be for a sender’s email, a bcc, a subject, and email content.

    My main question is, how can I create the email to contain the html template? Also, how do I do the bcc?



    So, upon looking through the Quform files, it looks like I can edit emails/autoreply.php to create the email template….correct? Also, I could use emails/notification.php to send the identical email back to the salesperson, negating the bcc requirement I noted earlier…..yes?



    Sorry to bombard you, but I’d also like to add a feature where the sender can ‘test’ the email before sending it to the intended recipient. So, there might be two buttons at the bottom of the email….one to test (only send it to themselves) and another to actually send it out. Is there a place in process.php where I can specify actions based on which button is pressed?

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    Great, thank you. Something else I’d like to do is make it so the fields do not clear when the ‘test’ button is pressed. Is there a quick fix for that?

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    Thanks, that does work to keep the fields filled out. However, once tested, I’d like to just be able to press the send button and have the message send as normal. Right now, after I press ‘test’, the loading graphic remains visible next to the buttons, and I’m unable to then ‘send’ the form. Pressing the ‘send’ button seems to do nothing.



    Also, pressing the ‘test’ button again seems to do nothing.


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    You don't have permission to view this content. Please log in or register and then verify your purchases to gain access.


    Great, that solves this problem….thanks so much!

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