Quform V2 WordPress: Minimum Responses on Multi-Page Form

Home Forums Quform WordPress Quform V2 WordPress: Minimum Responses on Multi-Page Form

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    One of our uses for Quform is to let people vote for their favorite businesses. We posted and you answered https://support.themecatcher.net/forums/topic/quform-v2-minimum-number-of-responses and we’ve used this code for 3 years now, but we ran into trouble this year. We could not get https://support.themecatcher.net/forums/topic/double-opt-in-to-verify-votes to work for all of our users since some got empty keys in the emails sent to them, so we stopped using that code about a week after your February 18, 2020 reply.

    Our previous form was a one pager where personal information was filled in at the top, and then votes were below that for favorite businesses. Starting this year we’ve split the form into a multi-page form with 2 sections like this test page on https://mountpleasantmagazine.com/bomp-test/ (password testtest) where the first section collects personal information, then the visitor clicks NEXT and is taken to the second section where they enter their votes.

    When I add the code from https://support.themecatcher.net/forums/topic/quform-v2-minimum-number-of-responses to this multi-page form it looks for 15 responses after personal information is entered and the NEXT button is clicked. The code then displays the error message requiring 15 entries and the visitor cannot even get to the second section to enter their votes.

    How can we make sure 15 votes are entered on the second section of this multi-page form?

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    That worked great! I’m submitting another set of questions that might negate the need for the multi-page form. Would this also work if we switch the form back to a single page form?

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