Redirect to with prepopulated entries answers site

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    I try to get the results of the entries of a form into a new site, which will be my result site like it is shown in sended emails.
    Following your ducumentation, i made a php snippet to integrating the quform entries:

    add_filter('quform_post_process_1', function(array $result, Quform_Form $form) {
        $session = Quform::getService('session');
        $session->set('forms.' . $form->getId(), $form);
        return $result;
    }, 10, 2);
    add_shortcode('quform_all_form_data', function($atts) {
        if ( ! class_exists('Quform')) {
            return '';
        $atts = wp_parse_args($atts, array('id' => '0'));
        $session = Quform::getService('session');
        $form = $session->get('forms.' . $atts['id']);
        if ( ! $form instanceof Quform_Form) {
            return '';
        return $form->replaceVariables('{all_form_data}', 'html');

    and set the shortcode of the form id=2 onto a new site:
    [quform_all_form_data id="2"]

    The new “result”-Page doesn’t show the Entries.

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by utmedia.
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    Hi Ally,

    thank you for the quick reply. The change of the process into 2 did the trick. It is working now.

    To answer your question, it is another page in wordpress belonging to the same url. Just a resume page where the applicator can see his/her entries.
    Thank you for the further informations about using a Query string. It comes in Handy if the case will occur.


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