removing little icon on blog post and changeing form fields to blk with wht txt

Home Forums Storm WordPress removing little icon on blog post and changeing form fields to blk with wht txt

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    I’m having difficulty doing what is probably simple. In the storm theme demo blog page individual posts are not prefaced with little logos (logos that change depending on what “format” type you chose). I would love to remove these small circular logos and have yet to find information anywhere in the documentation or theme options on how to do so.

    I also am unable to change the text field background on my “contact” form page to black with white text. I have tried going to wp-content/themes/storm/style.css to change the “textarea” background to 000000 and nothing has changed.

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    Hey Allan,

    Thanks so much for your help. Selecting storm theme fixed the text field issue in Quform.

    I tried adding the css in theme options-advanced-custom css and the logo/image still remains. Any other ideas?


    Just figured it out. Allan’s code helped me figure out what to look for and I went into wp-content-themes-storm-style.css and put a ” /* */ ” around the code involving post type to remove the little logos on blog posts.

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