Send notification email when changing in backend

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    Can a Notification message also being automatically triggered once a hidden field is changed to the value as decribed in the notification email setting?

    I have a registration form that is being saved as Not approved, but when someone in the WordPress admin changes this field a notification email needs to be send. For now this can only be done manually.
    Is there a way that this can be done automatically?

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    Just had this issue myself. Are you able to send the code and or process to do this here?

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    Thanks for the update. This worked, however, it only worked for 1 configured option. I am choosing a radio option with the following:


    Below is my code. Am I supposed to duplicate the code 3x (one for each class ie: Approve, Reject, Waitlist)


    * Plugin Name: Quform Approval Automation
    * Description: Send auto notifications when marking applications as Approve, Reject or Waitlist
    * Version: 1.0

    // Paste in your custom code below


    add_filter('quform_entry_post_set_entry_id_1', function (array $result, Quform_Form $form) {
    // Look up old field value
    global $wpdb;
    $elementId = '1_78';
    $notificationId = '1_3';

    list(, $eid) = explode('_', $elementId);

    $value = $wpdb->get_var(
    "SELECT value
    FROM {$wpdb->prefix}quform_entry_data
    WHERE entry_id = %d
    AND element_id = %d",

    if ($value != $form->getValue("quform_$elementId")) {
    // Value has changed, send notification
    foreach ($form->getNotifications() as $notification) {
    if ($notification->getIdentifier() == $notificationId) {

    return $result;
    }, 10, 2);


    add_filter('quform_entry_post_set_entry_id_1', function (array $result, Quform_Form $form) {
    // Look up old field value
    global $wpdb;
    $elementId = '1_78';
    $notificationId = '1_4';

    list(, $eid) = explode('_', $elementId);

    $value = $wpdb->get_var(
    "SELECT value
    FROM {$wpdb->prefix}quform_entry_data
    WHERE entry_id = %d
    AND element_id = %d",

    if ($value != $form->getValue("quform_$elementId")) {
    // Value has changed, send notification
    foreach ($form->getNotifications() as $notification) {
    if ($notification->getIdentifier() == $notificationId) {

    return $result;
    }, 10, 2);


    add_filter('quform_entry_post_set_entry_id_1', function (array $result, Quform_Form $form) {
    // Look up old field value
    global $wpdb;
    $elementId = '1_78';
    $notificationId = '1_5';

    list(, $eid) = explode('_', $elementId);

    $value = $wpdb->get_var(
    "SELECT value
    FROM {$wpdb->prefix}quform_entry_data
    WHERE entry_id = %d
    AND element_id = %d",

    if ($value != $form->getValue("quform_$elementId")) {
    // Value has changed, send notification
    foreach ($form->getNotifications() as $notification) {
    if ($notification->getIdentifier() == $notificationId) {

    return $result;
    }, 10, 2);


    Resolved the issue for anyone who needs help. Here is the modified code:


    * Plugin Name: Quform Approval Automation
    * Description: Send auto notifications when marking applications as Approve, Reject or Waitlist
    * Version: 1.0

    // Paste in your custom code below

    add_filter(‘quform_entry_post_set_entry_id_1’, function (array $result, Quform_Form $form) {
    // Look up old field value
    global $wpdb;
    $elementId = ‘1_78’;

    list(, $eid) = explode(‘_’, $elementId);

    $oldValue = $wpdb->get_var(
    “SELECT value
    FROM {$wpdb->prefix}quform_entry_data
    WHERE entry_id = %d
    AND element_id = %d”,

    $newValue = $form->getValue(“quform_$elementId”);

    if ($oldValue !== $newValue) {
    // Value has changed, determine which notification to send
    $notificationId = ”;
    switch ($newValue) {
    case ‘Approved’:
    $notificationId = ‘1_3’; // Replace ‘1_3’ with the ID for the Approved notification
    case ‘Reject’:
    $notificationId = ‘1_4’; // Replace ‘1_4’ with the ID for the Reject notification
    case ‘Waitlist’:
    $notificationId = ‘1_5’; // Replace ‘1_5’ with the ID for the Waitlist notification
    // Add more cases as needed for additional options

    if ($notificationId) {
    // Send notification if a valid notification ID is found
    foreach ($form->getNotifications() as $notification) {
    if ($notification->getIdentifier() === $notificationId) {
    break; // Stop iterating once notification is sent

    return $result;
    }, 10, 2);


    This code did work. However, when trying to modify coding to work with different variables and situations, its not working.

    For example, id like to do the following:

    Radio Buttons (each is linked with a specific email template)

    Radio Button

    When the user submits for Server, I want them to receive a specific notification email for approved, rejected, waitlisted

    When the user submits for Bartender, I want them to receive a specific notification email for approved, rejected, waitlisted

    So basically

    Server – Approved – Specific email contents for approval
    Bartender – Approved – Specific email contents for approval

    How can I do this? I think you guys should definitely make this a feature in the software instead of coding for each form. This is a powerful feature that allows managing custom communication for different situations.

    • This reply was modified 4 months, 1 week ago by fbxac.
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