sending form to external URL don’t work

Home Forums Quform WordPress sending form to external URL don’t work

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  • #33752

    I followed instruction found at this URL:

    Sending form data to another script

    At first it was working, but then it stopped.
    With a normal HTML form it still works., seem like the code I’ve used in a plugin is not called.
    The code used is the following:


    * Plugin Name: VTNext Qform integration
    * Description: by Alberto Speggiorin: maps Qform form fields to VTEForm fields and set a custom form actions. To be used with form ID 1 (IT), ID 5 (FR) AND ID 6 (EN)
    * Version: 2.6 – 29 11 21 – SOLO ITALIANO – no error debug

    /* ITALIANO*/
    add_action(‘quform_post_process_1’, function (array $result, Quform_Form $form){
    $data = array(
    ‘firstname’ => $form->getValue(‘quform_1_3’),
    ‘lastname’ => $form->getValue(‘quform_1_4’),
    ‘publicid’ => $form->getValue(‘quform_1_5’),
    ‘name’ => $form->getValue(‘quform_1_6′),
    ’email’ => $form->getValue(‘quform_1_7’),
    ‘company’ => $form->getValue(‘quform_1_8’),
    ‘website’ => $form->getValue(‘quform_1_9’),
    ‘designation’ => $form->getValue(‘quform_1_10’),
    ‘phone’ => $form->getValue(‘quform_1_11’),
    ‘label_Industria’ => $form->getValue(‘quform_1_12’),
    ‘label_Dimensione_azienda’ => $form->getValue(‘quform_1_13’),
    ‘label_Messaggio’ => $form->getValue(‘quform_1_14’),
    ‘leadsource’ => $form->getValue(‘quform_1_15’),
    ‘label_Form_url’ => $form->getValue(‘quform_1_16’),
    ‘label_Referring_url’ => $form->getValue(‘quform_1_17’),
    ‘label_User_agent’ => $form->getValue(‘quform_1_18’),
    ‘label_Privacy’ => $form->getValue(‘quform_1_19’),
    ‘country’ => $form->getValue(‘quform_1_21’)

    $response = wp_remote_post(‘;, array(
    ‘body’ => $data

    return $result;
    }, 10, 2);

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    • This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by Ally.

    sorry for the late reply.
    I’ve installed the plugin you suggested and you can see the result in the screenshot below

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