Some fields not filled in when sending to database.

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    I have some mysql fields that are filled in and some that are not when sending the data to mysql. It sends the data in an email just fine but only half the info goes through for about 20 fields total. I’m using a 2 column nested look and it seems like the second nested item goes to the database just fine but the first question to the left never make it to the database. I get no errors or messages. Just wondering were I should start looking. I’ve also have been having trouble getting the date field to got to the database but nothing shows up even though my structure is varchar.

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    Hi Ally
    in the process.php file I replaced the old values with this and it shows up as a syntax error for this line both in dreamweaver and on the actual web page.

    $query .= “dateend = ‘” . mysql_real_escape_string($form->getValuePlain(‘dateend’)) . “‘,”;

    any ideas?


    Besides the dates not going into the database it still seems like any field on the left side of the nested column doesn’t go into the database as well. Could there be an issue with it being nested? I’ve attached a picture to clarify.


    here is the image


    Ok I figured it out. The multiple choice fields didn’t like the [ ] brackets when sending to a database.
    As far as the date issue the code you emailed me got a bit scrambled and that’s why it wasn’t working. Once I used a little common sense I figured it out. Thanks for your help.

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