Specifying recipients in the shortcode

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    So basically, I have names of individuals that give speeches, that users can click on to send feedback to these people (as well as a feedback committee). The form for all these individuals is identical, except for the addresses is to be sent to. I know one method would be to duplicate the form and change the email address for each form, then use those shortcodes. However, this does not seem very efficient, and if I were to change the feedback form down the line, these changes would have to be made across ALL forms. Is there any way to specify the recipient addresses through shortcode, using the same form?

    Thanks in advance.

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    Hi- thanks, I will let you know if I get this to work when I try this out. Sorry for not replying back, have halted development for a bit on this site until I get some feedback from the client.


    hi I insert the code in the functions.php and i recieve the email adress via a querystring. but i always get a error message on my form.

    see http://gampermedia.com/kontakt/

    plz help

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    thank you found the error 🙂


    hi now I get the contact emails on my specified email adress in the plugin backend. but i would like to send a custom email adress via querystring and that works well (as you can see down in the contact window) but the form doesent uses the querystring email, just the email from the plugin settings…

    any suggestinons?

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    thank you but it doesent works 🙁 maybe i send you username & pass for my site?

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