subtotal = Math.round

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  • #36563

    I need a correction for the comma and dot placement for sub total, iva and total..
    I need it in spanish format like this 1,000,000.00 as you see comma and dot.
    I need you to help me…

    This is the code now:

    subtotal = Math.round(subtotal * 100) / 100; // round subtotal to 2 decimal places
    tax = subtotal * 0.16;
    tax = Math.round(tax * 100) / 100; // round tax to 2 decimal places
    total = subtotal + tax;


    I will attache the complete code also.

    Best Regards

    • This topic was modified 4 months, 2 weeks ago by Icemanmx.
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    Hello Ally
    Thanks for your help again, it just function perfect…
    The result for a test run looks like this…
    SUB TOTAL: $ 300,000,000.00 I.V.A. 16%: $ 48,000,000.00 TOTAL: $ 348,000,000.00

    Best Regards

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